What device to select in app for Adafruit Feather 32u4 Bluefruit LE


i try to use blynk with adafruit feather 32u4 bluefruit le module. i found the example sketch in the library. as i understand, this board is supported by blynk.
however, i do not find a corresponding hardware model in the app. what should i use?
@Dmitriy , @vshymanskyy ?


Hey there,

I have the exact same question. I do not see a matching option for an Adafruit Feather. In this case it’s the MO not the 32u4. I can’t get my project off the ground.

Thanks for your help.

you can try the generic board. and in connection type select wifi or what you will use.
i have used my feather board this way, and it worked, however i had to abandon this hardware for ble stability issues on the app side.

@nejejas, please, i ask you, if you could ever make ble (any type of ble module) + blynk work with your phone, please give me some details how did you done and what ble module / phone / android version did you use.

i have tried lots of different ble boards with different phones but never managed to have a stable connection with blynk. although the founder members stated that in their tests the ble worked ok, they ignored to give me details what hardware / module / phone / os version did they use in successful tests.


This page from adafruit talks about how the zero and the feather MO share the same processor. I’m not in front of my project, but I may try that one next if it’s there. Overview | Using ATSAMD21 SERCOM for more SPI, I2C and Serial ports | Adafruit Learning System

When we first checked out the ATSAMD21 chip (the processor used in the Arduino Zero and Adafruit Feather M0), we were very happy to see that the chip has 6 "SERCOM"s, a.k.a SERial COMmunication modules. Each one of these modules can be used for I2C, SPI or Serial. That means you can have 3 UART’s & 3 SPI’s, or maybe 2 SPI’s and 4 I2C’s. Basically, you have a ton of options for adding more hardware support for the most common 3 chip-to-chip protocols.

Here’s some information about the 32u4 processor. Maybe there is a board supported that uses the same chip.

as i stated here [quote=“wanek, post:3, topic:10578”]
you can try the generic board. and in connection type select wifi or what you will use. i have used my feather board this way, and it worked

my Adafruit Feather 32u4 Bluefruit LE could connect using “generic board”. the problem for me it was, that the ble connection was very unstable. (also tried hm-05, hm10, hc08 boards, and 4 different phones, always had unusable bluetooth connection). i’m pretty sure the problem is on the blynk app side, not the hardware side.

Hi, I have Adafruit Feather 32u4 Bluefruit LE device, I have lot’s of Boads and Programmers. My question is which Board and Programmer i can select to upload my sketch, I am trying last two i didn’t find any solution. Please help me.

Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:


your question is quite vague.

where would you like to select board and programmer? in arduino ide?
you should have one single adafruit feather 32u4 entry…

@wanek - Thanks for quick response, I didn’t fin’t adafruit in my tools selection. I am using Arduino IDE . Is i am using correct tool? . I attached my screen shot. Please chek it once. .


  • your question has nothing to do with blynk
  • you bumped into a 7 months old discussion with totally different topic
  • it seems you didn’t even bother to read the docs / tutorial on the manufacturer’s official website…

but after all, here is the link:


Wanek is correct… if you have any further Blynk related questions, please create your own topic and supply relevant details, with clarity, else it may just get skipped over. Thank you.