Hi All
I have purchased a wesmos min D1 usb board I have searched the Internet I wish to try and set up the mini D1 as an arduino wifi shield
Is it possible to achieve this I have been unable to find information on how to create a wifi shield
@oldvolt WeMos is an ESP8266, Google what you require with the ESP8266 term. HUGE amount of information available for what you want to do.
What is
The WeMos forum used to archive a lot of information but was deleted and started over… I’d search or ask there. This thread is discussing the D1 board (not the mini) but is conceptually the same.
i am using thr esp8266-01 module with an arduino nano as a wifi shield. i am not sure if the esp8266-12E(esp chip on Wemos D1 mini) will work or not. its very simple to use.
Just make the following connections
make sure that there absolutely nothing running on the Wemos and use the example code -ESP8266_wifi.
also make sure that Wemos accepts the baud rate that the Arduino transmits.
use AT+UART=9600,8,1,0,0 to change the baud rate to 9600(you can use 115200 also but i would prefer using 9600)
Basic Precautions
- make sure to power Wemos externally through the breakout pins and not with a USB cable and if you want to use a USB cable then don’t connect to the computer while its connected with the Arduino.
- use a logic level converter or maybe a voltage divider circuit(not recommended) to convert the 5v tx signals to 3.3v signals.
- use a external USB UART converter to monitor the serial messages for better debugging. using the arduino’s serial converter while the esp is plugged gives problem(at least for me)
I have tried uploading this sketch below to my Arduino Uno
I get the error message below
C:\Users\John\Documents\Arduino\sketch_may21a\sketch_may21a.ino:1:29: fatal error: ESP8266_HardSer.h: No such file or directory
#include <ESP8266_HardSer.h> ^
compilation terminated.
exit status 1
Error compiling for board Arduino/Genuino Uno.
Sorry to keep asking questions
I purchased an ESP8266-01 ages ago and I updated the firmware I
I know my question was about the Wemos D1 but as the link was an instruction for a 01 I thought I would try the ESP8266-01 1st
#include <ESP8266_HardSer.h>
#define EspSerial Serial
ESP8266 wifi(EspSerial);
// You should get Auth Token in the Blynk App.
// Go to the Project Settings (nut icon).
char auth[] = "0a6daa7428e642e585c2bd986a346c2f";
void setup()
Blynk.begin(auth, wifi, "ssid", "pass");
while (Blynk.connect() == false) {
void loop()
Did you install the Blynk libraries?
You are looking at sketches that are years out of date. This library is no longer used.
Use sketch builder to determine general setup i.e. Blynk Example Browser
BUT read every comment as the sketch is for Mega’s and Leonardo’s and you need to make the mods for Uno / Nano use as they don’t have the extra serial ports.
When switching from hardware serial in the sketch to software serial you MUST change:
#define ESP8266_BAUD 115200 // fast
#define ESP8266_BAUD 9600 // slow
AND ensure your ESP baud rate is set at 9600 (many come as 115200 from the factory and will not work with Blynk until you send the AT command to reduce the baud).
Most of this is covered in the link provided by @Gunner, don’t even consider trying “shields” until you fully understand what’s involved.
I am new to the world of Blynk with a lot of help I was able to set up my Arduino Uno as a usb serial to communicate over the net
My next step was the route of wifi how was i suppose to know that the sketch I used was out of date
On the help center page I typed in ESP8266 and clicked on the links to get messages back that the pages no longer exist so sorry Costa so ifar my question annoy you but hindsight is a wonderful ability to have
I purchased a wemos d1 R2 board I plugged it in to my laptop and it was recognised in the wifi networks I was using various sketches and tutorials to learn more about it but for some unknown reason I pushed the reset button and now I have lost it on my list of wifi network
If a member has time I could do with advise on how to get the Wemos D1 back on to the wifi list
I can still upload sketches and flash the on board led but I purchased it to use with Blynk for wifi switching
Thanks to all