Webhook does not send request to specific URL

Until recently a webhook pointing to one of my web services has been running perfectly on Blynk. Now, the URL is not receiving requests from blynk although it continues to work as expected via web requests.

From looking at my server, the request never gets made.

The URL is https://www.eddiegreen.com/GetSunriseSunset.asmx/GetTimes and I use a GET request to return JSON data

If I replace the URL with https://api.sunrise-sunset.org/json?lat=50.4495484&lng=30.5253873&date=2016-10-01 then the webhook returns JSON as expected.

Could one of the developers throw light onto this recent change.

Arduino library version 0.53 - running on blynk-cloud.com server.

Hello. Please try to open and close webhook settings and try again. Does that help?

No, I repeatedly try this. Can I help by providing you with app info?

@Dmitriy It’s been a while. Have you made any progress in resolving this?

What hardware do you use and what response size is returned from the above request?

Hardware is a WeMos D1 Mini. Response size is 86b

Just in case we get diverted to what hardware and other issues may be present, the webhook request never hits my server.

Using another uri produces a response.

You can recap on the info supplied in the initial post.

This stopped working around 5 weeks ago.

Am I correct in assuming that the web request is made via the blynk server?


Please show your code you use to receive webhok and widget settings.


 // webhook widget
// this is a sample of JSON data returned from my service.
// {\"Time\":{\"SunriseHour\":\"5\",\"SunriseMinute\":\"43\",\"SunsetHour\":\"18\",\"SunsetMinute\":\"5\"}}

terminal.print("Sun... ");

String webhookData = param.asStr();

// for debug:
terminal.print("WebHook data: ");

// calculate size of buffer required at https://arduinojson.org/v5/assistant/
const size_t bufferSize = JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(1) + JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(4) + 80;

// allocate dynamic buffer
DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer(bufferSize);

// parse webhook data into 'root' object
JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.parseObject(webhookData);

// Test if parsing succeeds.

if (!root.success())
	terminal.println("no data");

else // successfully obtained data
	terminal.println("data received...");
	// get parsed JSON values from webhook data
	JsonObject& Time = root["Time"];
	String srh = Time["SunriseHour"];
	String srm = Time["SunriseMinute"];
	String ssh = Time["SunsetHour"];
	String ssm = Time["SunsetMinute"];


 void RequestSunriseSetTime()
	// write anything to virtual pin to fire webhook - URL in app
	terminal.print("Firing webhook... ");
	Blynk.virtualWrite(V30, webhookUrl);

and its setup:

// set timer for webhook
sunriseSunsetTimer = timer.setInterval(12 * hours, RequestSunriseSetTime);

Test button:

// kick webhook button (for testing)
	int aa = param.asInt();
	if (aa == 1)
		terminal.print("Firing webhook... ");
		Blynk.virtualWrite(V30, webhookUrl);