Web-hooks : Only D5 pin works for wemos mini

I’m trying to activate or deactive a pin through web-hooks which I plan to interface with IFTTT to activate pins on my wemos mini through alexa voice commands.

When I tried to set pin value, no other pin than D5 works in the url. All other pins like D1-D4, D6-D8 say

This is my URL:


and this is it’s response.

Requested pin doesn’t exist in the app.

However it works if I put D5 in my url. Strangely this activates pin D1 instead of D5. I’ve read all the documents and searched the forum for similar questions but couldn’t get any. What am I doing wrong here?

This might be a clue :wink: … pin #5 in Arduino format is referring to D1 on the board … which is what the board actually responds to, except in limited cases where the Arduino IDE is set for that actual board.

In other words, ignore the silk screened references and follow the Arduino pinouts for that board.

PS, this “issue” of mistakenly using the silkscreened labeling instead of Arduino referenced numbers IS mentioned repeatedly in this forum :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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For noobs like me it’s easy to miss those posts, as I didn’t know that the web request accepts a Arduino pinout.

On this github link posted by @Dmitriy it said:


Blynk HTTP RESTful API allows to easily read and write values to/from Pins in Blynk apps and Hardware (microcontrollers and microcomputers like Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ESP8266, Particle, etc.)

Is there a blynk documentation where this information is posted? Pardon my ignorance on this one.

We are all noobs at something until we spend time reading and learning :wink: When you think about it, a webhook would have no idea what board you are controlling, so there has to be a pinout standard somewhere… since we are using and programming from the Arduino IDE, it becomes the standard.

The API??

This is all I am aware of for the API (well aside from many topics here)… and since I never use it, that is all I too know about it :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT - I guess you already found this as that was where you got the blurb :blush:

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No, can you please add to the Blynk Community by putting together a paragraph with graphics and we will ask @Dmitriy if it can be added to the docs.

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This is will be of great help. Thanks.

Thanks @Gunner, I guess I should do a bit more reading.