Watchdog timer restarting loop

Sketch is restarting again and again in loop if wdt_enable (WDTO_8S) is declared before Blynk.begin(auth, wifi, “ssid”, “password”, “server ip address”). If wdt is declared after Blynk.begin and router restarts the sketch hangs and app shows device offline. This problem was not there in Blynk library 4.0 and below. In that wdt works even if declared before Blynk.begin.
Device Arduino Mini pro with soft serial esp8266

Anyone can help to tweak latest library for wdt to declare before Blynk.begin.

@ngoyat how long does it take for your Mini Pro to connect to the server?

A hack was posted on this site recently to reduce the 5s delay to around 0.5s, might be worth a try.

Have the same issue, I need to reset my watchdog while blynk is reconnecting, or I have to disable the watchdog while reconnecting which is dangerous.

P.S. Do you have that “hack” link?

Any Idea?

Think I found it, also think that is the same place where I could reset the watchdog :smiley:

Damn why is this not default, I made it 500 ms like you and it works!