Wasn’t online yet/ offline

Hello everyone, completely new to Blynk, I’m working on a vehicle tracking project, I’m using the ESP32 SIM800L and I have uploaded the successfully. The gps module is working, the microcontroller is working, I have got an active data sim install but in the Blynk app there is a message stating wasn’t online yet. How do I get it to show online, your help is much appreciated. Thank you.

You get this message because the ESP32 device has failed to establish a connection with the Blynk server.
The easiest and quickest way to figure-out why is to ensure that your sketch contains the line…
#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
and observe what messages you see in your serial monitor.

Of course, this assumes that the Serial port isn’t being used for communication with your SIM800L.
If it is, then some re-wiring/recoding will be needed, or you’ll need an FTDI adapter connected to one of your other UART ports on the board and you’ll need to change the Serial in #define BLYNK_PRINT Serial to the name of whichever UART your FTDI is connected to.


Thanks, I have edited a section of the code which managed to solve the issue. Thanks once again