Want help converting from IoT to Legacy

i ask. I want blynk 1 but dont 2.0.
thank you

Blynk Legacy is no longer supported, and will be retired in future.
But, if you want to take my sketch and convert it to Blynk Legacy (not a difficult task) then you’re welcome to do so.


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Thanks you

You know how make add timer for ino?

thank you and best regards

I’ve split your posts into a new topic so that it doesn’t clutter-up my original topic.

I really don’t understand your question.
What is the timer for?

Have you decided to go with the Blynk IoT version, or are you still wanting to convert this to a Legacy project?


sorry, I am deaf but i am basic wrote english. I dont know make add project adruino ino for timer
If you can make add timer rtc for arduino file ino.
i want send picture…
thank you and kind regards


yes for IoT

There isn’t much documentation for the IoT version of the time input widget, but there are plenty of examples for the Legacy version which works in the same way.
Take care not to confuse this with the Timer widget, which worked very differently in Legacy, but doesn’t exist in IoT because it has been replaced by Automations.

The Time Input widget requires a virtual datastream of the type String.


Thank you…

but dont work load arduino. i have USB to TTL.
too there nothing SSID and PASSWORD…

IF you cant repair project for blynk IoT 16relay

thank you

I don’t understand what you are saying.


nothing SSID and password??

The sketch uses Blynk Edgent, which uses dynamic provisioning of WiFi credentials, as well as Auth tokens.

That’s why my tutorial says…

Put the board into programming mode as described above, then upload the sketch and reset the board afterwards (don’t forget to remove the GPIO0 jumper first).
You can then go through the provisioning process in the app (add device…) then add the required widgets to the app as described below…


thank you

i send picture… but it BlynkEdgent.h no way…

It really would help if you read the quite detailed instructions that I provided in my original post…

I’ve based the sketch on the Blynk Edgent ESP8266 example, and you need to open this example (File > Examples > Blynk > Blynk.Edgent > Edgent_ESP8266) in the Arduino IDE.
You then need to replace the contents of the Edgent_ESP8266 tab with the code below.
Trying to run this code without the rest of the Edgent example will not work.


super work, but connect usb no want connect…COM4

I could quote the bit of the original post which describes how to put the board into programming mode, but I’ve already quoted sections from it twice because you can’t be bothered to read it properly.
The answer is in the original topic, seek and ye shall find.


I understand. again thank you

But i am deaf, that i am write basic english.
I have usb to ttl.
I hope it ok or wrong

I have no idea, it’s impossible to tell from your photos.


cheers. I managed to make it work. i’m wrong usb connection. formerly tx - tx, rx - rx. fix now tx - rx, rx - tx. everything works … great. thank you again