Using simpleTimer setTimer function for multiple time

Hello, I try to avoid delay because it cause Blynk to not run correctly, I Can’t figure out how to use simpleTimer to turn on buzzer for multiple different time.
for Example :
I have two buttons connected to D3 and D4 and buzzer to D2. and if D3 is pressed I want to beep buzzer for 3 time and if D4 is pressed I want to beep buzzer for 4 times and so on.
I tried use setTimer function with enable and disable TimerID but I can call setTimer ID only once time after pressed D3, or D4. need help!

It might be easier if we saw the script you are currently working with… but basicly it should be a simple matter of adjusting timeouts before turning off the buzzer… now pulsing the buzzer via timers then shutting it off is a bit more effort, but still doable.

I use this (possibly crude, but effective) code to latch a relay then flash an LED five (5) times, with 1 second pulses.

Read through it to see how it is done, then adapt it for your needs.

//===== LATCH (Relay) & LED PULSE - BLYNK Functions =====
BLYNK_WRITE(V40)  // Virtual button on V40 to activate Relay_LED pulses
  RLY_LED = param.asInt();
  if (RLY_LED == 1 && Flag == 0){
    Flag = 1;  // Keeps from allowing button press more then once while relay activated
    digitalWrite(30, HIGH); // Activate Relay
    timer.setTimeout(2000L, Relay2OFF);  // Deactivare Relay after 2 seconds
    timer.setTimer(2000L, LedON, 5);  // Pulse LED routine (LedON/LedOFF) 5 times
  }  // END if
}  // END Blynk Function

void Relay2OFF()
  digitalWrite(30, LOW);
  Flag = 0;  // reset flag after relay disables
}  // END Relay2OFF Function

void LedON()
  digitalWrite(31, HIGH);  // Turn on LED
  timer.setTimeout(1000L, LedOFF);  // Run OFFLED routine once in 1 second
}  // END LedON Function

void LedOFF()
  digitalWrite(31, LOW);  // Turn off LED
}  // END LedOFF Function

thanks, you always helpful.