Hi guys,
I’m starting a new project that’s supposed to control my LEDs over Wifi (initially esp8266) with Blynk. Sounds simple, right?
Well, turns out my knowledge isn’t enough to do that. Since the FastLed library disables interrupts, to keep the timings for the LEDs in Sync, I can’t use Software Serial, since some of My data will get lost, if it arrives while the FastLed.show function is being executed. I basically need to
A) buffer the data till the show function is over, then request it and read it from my arduino
B) be able to request all the blynk data when the arduino has time to read it between two show executes
My idea was to maybe use a esp32 instead of an arduino UNO and esp8266, so ill be able to… I’m not quite sure what, but at least do something???
Does anyone have help or suggestions on how to get this to work?
Btw, connecting the Arduino to my PC and getting the Blynk data from the USBscript works, since it’s using hardware serial wich buffers a few bytes till they’re read(), so I’m trying to figure out a way to maybe use that? But I can’t connect the esp8266 to hardware serila, because it’s not able to read or write data, when connected to the usb serial of the arduino…
I am also having this issue. I am trying to use the SmartLED Controller by Jamin but modified a bit to use my Espressif ESP32 DevKitC rather than a ESP8266.
I got Blynk to work and connected the ESP32 to a project on my phone, and FastLed works on it’s own, but together I get the error message in this comment.
Doing a lot of research on the problem and it’s definitely interrupts. Hope someone sees this soon who is more knowledgeable in the matter.
Hope this works for you too! (Also, tried different pins bc I thought that might be part of the problem and idk ifit really was but GPIO 5 is working like a charm)