Using Blynk to control WS2811 LED strip using a Raspberry Pi Zero W

Details :
• Raspberry Pi Zero W (using over Wifi)
• Android OnePlus2 OxygenOS v3.6.1
• LED Strip: WS2811
• Blynk Server
• Sparkfun’s Cloud Clouds Project:

So I have been trying to recreate Sparkfun’s “Cloud Clouds” project (link listed above) with the Raspberry Pi Zero W rather than use the ESP8266 that they use in the project. So far I have got the basic stuff to work like I wrote a quick little program in JS to test out Virtual Pins and then also used GPIO to turn on and off and LED. The problem I have now is since I am a bit of a noob to IoT and electronics interfacing with code, I have absolutely no idea how to connect my code in Python to the JS file that can actually use the Virtual Pin stuff. The Python code I have written basically connects to OpenWeatherMap API and get current and forecast data and lights up the LED strip based on the weather data. This by itself works fine but I want to have different modes which I can control via the Blynk app. Say if I press button 1 on the Blynk app it switches to the mode where it uses the python script to get weather data and change the LED strip accordingly, but pressing button 2 would take it off the python script and change the LED strip color based on user inputted RGB info fed through the Blynk app’s zeRGBa. So the main question is how would I do this? I’ve come across JS and Python interfaces but I feel like there might be an easier solution. Would I have to code the entire thing in JS if so how would I control the LED strip? If someone could guide me through or give me some links to help me finish my project that would be much appreciated! Let me know if you have any questions regarding my project.

You would first need to find a way to control your LED strip from RPi (without Blynk).

I’ve already done by rewriting the code in the to fit my own purposes. Everything works just as I want it to but the code is in Python is that fine?