I wanted to build a product that will be distributed commercially and wanted to ask, if the products are hosted on a local server and we will be just using Blynk mobile application do we need any authorizations or it is free to operate like that.
Please check blynk.io/tos
Commercial Usage
Blynk applications can not be used for commercial purposes for any fare, fee, rate, charge or other consideration, or directly or indirectly in connection with any business, or other undertaking intended for profit without signing up for Blynk subscription services outlined here: http://www.blynk.io/plans/
PS. Even if you could…
- No guarantee
- No support or custom features can be implemented in this model. You have no branding etc.
- The Blynk App update may run your system unusable (i.e. App may become incompatible with the old server).
- Thus, you have to maintain the server (and to know what you’re doing exactly).
- … [the list continues here]
Moreover, imagine this scenario. At some point in time Blynk might choose to charge energy for local server users as well. How would you explain it to your clients? Would it work for you?
(This is just an example, no actual plans to do that, but you know…)
Oh, this is a big issue. The main problem is that where we are planning to deploy these products is a place where it is impossible to convince customers to pay per month fee and even if they are convinced there is no way to collect payment. Don’t you offer different plans for such situations?
@MagedNassar please see my updated reply. We are currently working to update our plans, so maybe you’ll find something that fits your needs.
Do we have a timeline? Expected schemes? Any information about the new pricing would be of great use currently as we are in the final decision of which platform to use to launch our campaigns.
Please contact Blynk for Business directly with your request!
Dear sir Blynk plan may seem very nice as you are in USD but the countries where doller rates are very High it gets very hard to find out any solution.