I’d imagine that any future development would focus on developing cross-platform functionality, which works equally well on iOS as well as Android.
Whilst this hasn’t always been the case (Eventor and some of the GPS functionality for example), I’d expect that moving forward new functionality would only make sense if it could work on both platforms.
Waiting for iOS Features just to go on for Android features would have left those already existing android features on the drawing board.
btw.: i think ( just think, since im not a coder on Android nor on iOS), such idea/feature would also be possible on iOS. I think, providing next-alarm-time is nothing special in those Api’s of both OS.
So… waiting should not be a target/idea/solution/whatever =)
Unless you’re trying to run a business, selling a commercial product that works across multiple platforms. Customers don’t want to hear that this isn’t available on iOS because Apple doesn’t work in the same way.
Blynk development is primarily driven by paying customers, we get the crumbs that fall off the table