Users in MAKER plan don't see devices


Is there any update on the visibility of the devices for other members of the organization?
It’s been already a year.
I have been using the ARDUINO cloud for a year. However, this is too much DIY for me. I want to return to BLYNK. So, I upgraded my plan to MAKER to test it, and it still does not appear to be working properly.

thanks, J.

With the Maker plan the device ownership needs to be transferred to the users for them to be able to see them.
The account owner can still see/control all devices.

If you want a different level of control, to allow multiple users to see/control a device then you’ll need a Pro subscription, as this allows you to modify the permissions of the three available user types, and also to define sub organisations.


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Thanx Pete, very fast response and it works.
Sorry, but I understood the “transfer” as a transfer of the ownership. In this place I expected something like “allow access” or “share device”.

Great - I am glad to be back in the comunity. You guys did a great job with the upgrade, though it hurt me a lot :wink:.