Use webhook to PUT data to google sheets?

I tried, but when I know its cost, I abandon that way. Looking forward for your results

@Costas @NHN @aquarius @hubshi
Please note that I have pushed a new feature - unlimited number of parameters for setProperty and virtualWrite!
Don’t get excited too much - there’s still limitation of BLYNK_MAX_SENDBYTES :grinning: (but, you can adjust it).

This is available in the master branch.
Hope that helps!


Much appreciated @vshymanskyy

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Thanks for your great support, @vshymanskyy

@Costas :Last night I registered one of my domains with Google so I’ll see if I
can get the private sheets working directly without Zapier.

How it works? I have own domain too, I would follow your steps. Share with us, please. Thank you!


@aquarius in the API Manager for Google’s Cloud Platform at there are 3 types of authorisation.

  1. An API key - easy
  2. OAuth 2.0 - requires additional authentication to be passed to Google before the API works
  3. Domain authorisation - I have authorised a domain but haven’t tested any further.

Google shows you how to do the domain authorisation when you click the link and even asks who your domain host is. From this info it provides guidance on how to set up the DNS Text entry etc.

I am hoping that if the API call comes from a “trusted” domain then Google will accept a regular API key for private sheets etc.

@Costas, I have tried it two days ago… API key has been created, but I could not make domain verification.
Our requests will come from Blynk servers not from my own domain. Or we need a PHP script on own domain to forward Blynk requests to Google API?

@aquarius in my case I have a Blynk server on my domain so the calls will come from my authorised domain. If it works we might ask the nice Blynk guys to authorise their domain with Google.

@Costas, ahh, now I understand. I am not running Blynk server yet. (It seemed too difficult for me and I have not RPi or a computer what is online all time).

Confirmed as working with the master branch, thanks.

Has one of you tried using google forms for adding data to a google sheet?
The advantage is, you can have a public form connected to a private sheet.
I found some guides to use links for data transmission but unfortunately the refer to old API versions.
Maybe this could help you.

There doesn’t seem to be a guide out there that doesn’t use third party software / webservice.

@Costas Do you familiar with nodejs? Can you help me how to attract data from “values”? I know that’s an array of value store from cell A2 -> F2. I use nodejs method JSON.parse() like:

v20.on('write', function(param) {
  var DATA = JSON.parse(param);
  var VALUES = DATA.values[0];

v20 asign to webhook send GET to google sheets to get cells values. I cuccess get data from google sheet but don’t know how to process data. How can I attract the array value of “DATA”? is there any way to get directly the value or I have to process the DATA after parsed? hope you can understand what I mean and sorrry about my bad English

Unfortunately not. We normally use this json parser GitHub - bblanchon/ArduinoJson: 📟 JSON library for Arduino and embedded C++. Simple and efficient.

What hardware are you using? Basically you will GET the data with webhooks and then parse it.

Maybe this will help you

I use nodejs client on debian

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@vshymanskyy is it applied this no-limit with bridge widget? it seems not yet, is it right? if right, could you please applied it


Yes, bridge also works, please update to master or wait for the next release!

After update to master, my RTC widget doesn’t work, on my own sketch, before update to master, RTC widget working, I saw on serial monitor log: “Time sync: OK”, after interval of time, it sync again. After update to master today, I did’t see that log. I tried RTC Widget example, this is my log on serial monitor

Sorry there were some RTC-related changes just yesterday, so maybe something got messed-up.
I’ll check it ASAP. Does Bridge work as expected?

Bridge work perfectly

is RTC widget fixed? It seems Blynk Table Widget on Raspberry doesn’t work, I see only “add” was send from hardware, that widget is not support yet?


Yes, RTC is fixed… Please do not bloat the same thread with off-topic questions - create another thread if needed (after searching for the existing topics).