Hey guys, I´m still automating my appartment with Blynk
Now, the illumination from the stairs have to believe in it.
Until now it works like this: When the PIR sensor detect someone, al LED-strip under the stairs fade slowly up. Later in additional I want get a message over Blynk that it got on. Until now it fades up with a delay inside the code which I needed to remove. My problem´s that it is inside a for-loop. Is there a possibility to remove and replace it with millis() ?
int ledPin = D5;
int brightness = 0;
void guydetected() {
for (int i = -90; i < 90; i++) {
float angle = radians(i);
brightness = (255 / 2) + (255 / 2) * sin(angle);
analogWrite(ledPin, brightness);
You could have a timer that you call every 30ms to do a single step of the fading each time.
Here’s an example of Timer:
And some partial code that hopefully helps:
void setup()
{ //Add the following line
timer.setInterval(30L, FadeLEDs);
int FadePosition = -90;
bool MotionDetected;
void FadeLEDs()
if (MotionDetected)
if(FadePosition < 90)
float angle = radians(FadePosition);
brightness = (255 / 2) + (255 / 2) * sin(angle);
analogWrite(ledPin, brightness);
First of all: Thanks for your quick reply.
Second: error in line 16. (‘i’ was not declared in this scope)
If now I declare ‘i’ as an integer, equal if it´s -90 or 90 for exampe, I usually get a fix brightness value in Serial Monitore
#include <SimpleTimer.h>
int i = 50;
int brightness = 0;
int ledPin = D5;
int FadePosition = -90;
bool MotionDetected=1;
SimpleTimer timer;
void loop() {
void setup()
{ //Add the following line
timer.setInterval(30L, FadeLEDs);
void FadeLEDs()
// if (MotionDetected)
// {
if(FadePosition < 90)
float angle = radians(i);
brightness = (255 / 2) + (255 / 2) * sin(angle);
analogWrite(ledPin, brightness);
// }
I commented the if-condition only to test the sketch easier.
Serial Monitor shows me that the value of brightness is constant 224
I think you need to replace i
with FadePosition
Also, does this give a brightness
value of 0-255, or 0-1023?
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Pete you are great!
I replaced i with FadePosition, now it fades up