Hello, I’ve created a project with Blynk, then I’ve shared it with another device. In the original device the projects works, in the other I can see the interface but it doesn’t work. For example: if I press a button on the original one, I can see the same button on the other devices light up, but if I press the same button on the shared project nothing happens. I can’t understand why…
Hello. ios/android? app version? local server?
You’re right, sorry: iOS, latest version of the app (2.9.3), Blynk cloud.
Now I’ve swapped the two devices and it works correctly…
What do you mean by swapped?
I’ve logged in the other device, the one where I’ve previously get the shared project, and did the opposite on the first one. I don’t know why, but now it works perfectly.
Do you have same app version on both?
Yes, but I started with different version. After updating the app it didn’t work again, but this could be the issue. I’ll try to “swap” again the devices and see if it works, now.
No, it doesn’t work. But for sure it’s a smartphone issue: only on one device it doesn’t work. It is a jailbroken iPhone, could be this the problem? On other iphone it works, same on ad android phone.
Without an identically jailbroken iPhone to confirm with, your experience with that phone being the common denominator, is likely the answer.