Unable to reconfigure device in device settings

I’ve noticed I am unable to reconfigure devices in the device settings.

Options are now Notification Settings, Erase all device data, Delete device and cancel.

Version 3.6.3(4)
Iphone 12 Pro
iOS 17.0.3

Even i am on ios 17 on the same Blynk version as yours. I am having the option to reconfigure.

Try reinstalling the app, see if that fixes the issue.

Seems like it’s an account limitation. My other iOS devices are missing the reconfigure option as well.

Are you the Blynk account owner and owner of the devices?
Do you have Developer Mode enabled for your profile?
What type of Blynk account subscription do you have? (Free, Plus, Pro, Business)


Hello Pete,

I am the account owner. Developer mode enabled and I am on the PRO plan.


Are the devices owned by you within Blynk?
What do the permissions for the role you’ve given yourself say?


Hi @yourideasvi , this looks like a bug. Will be fixed in upcoming app update shortly.

Hello Pete,
I saw a response from Eugene but just sending answers to your reply for documentation purposes.

The problem exists with both owned and unowned devices.
No permissions were changed on the admin side.


The bug was resolved temporarily, but I’m affected by the bug again.

Can I get an update on this? I’m still unable to reconfigure devices.

@Eugene can I please get an update? My customers are being affected by this.


@Eugene can I please get an update?

The iOS app update I was talking about (3.6.4) is awaiting review for a few days already, should be available in App Store soon. It fixes a bug where “Reconfigure” menu item is not shown for devices based on templates created from iOS app.

The bug was resolved temporarily, but I’m affected by the bug again.

This sounds confusing. You probably talking about different users.

Note, to be able to reprovision device the user has to have “Provision new devices” permission enabled. You can check permissions in Web Console in SettingsRoles and PermissionsOwned Devices.
This is the same permission which shows and hides the “Add New Devcie” button in the app in the right side menu - so actually you can quickly check it from the app.