Unable to connect Ethernet Shield to new Router

but what does the blynk serial monitor shows?
where it fails? it gets an ip address from the router at least?

Have you tried any other iOT system with your new router, Arduino and Ethernet?

It can`t get ip from the router and I see from the bylnk application, my smartphone is never online.

No this is my first job with that router…
I will try again and again, thank you for your advices my friend…

could you paste here some serial output and code?

Ethernet sketches generally work best when you provide all the parameters like gateway etc.

Which Ethernet shield are you using?

no need to. I am running the ethernet example program on arduino IDE.

if you want help, it would be useful. but you know…

We can’t help any further without sight of your sketch.

Thank you, I have wasted your time. I will study on it…

no stress man, just we need more info to help.
post the serial output and sketch, and you’re good to go!

This is my home router. It works just fine with Blynk.

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@zodiac you use WiFi or Ethernet?

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Those shields are flaky at best and the odds are high that the issue is an incompatibility between that Ethernet shield and the new router… As stated already, perhaps with some tweaking to your code to force IP address, MAC, and such onto the shield instead of it waiting for DHCP?

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As @Gunner said, these shields are flakey and the quality control often leaves a lot to be desired. I’ve seen some that have multiple solder bridges across pins of the main chip and that work for some functions and not others.
There’s also an issue that they often work with newer routers/switches, but not with older ones (the opposite of the problem you’re having).

There a long debate on the subject here:

I thought I’d understood what was causing the issue with the shield not working with my older switch, but the last post by @distans throws some new ideas into the mix that I’ve not had chance to test.

This is good advice from @Costas and you shouldn’t be so dismissive. It echos some of what @distans is saying in the thread I linked to.

The people replying to this thread are all Blynk users like yourself, who are trying to assist you in solving your problem. If they ask you to post your code it’s for a good reason, not simply because that’s part of some script they are following.



Now it works with wifi, but my first OpenHab setup was using ethernet connection.

Can you send your code please that runs wıth that kind of router. Also I receive DHCP failed error. If I cant solve the problem I will have to change it…

It’s easier to help if you can provide the relevant information asked for:

I don’t use those Ethernet boards anymore… but back then I simply G :eyes: gled for how to preset the MAC and IP address for the shield into the sketch, then the router just allowed it as “assigned by self” connection.

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