Unable to add/register new user

I’m unable to register a user. He does not meet the page to create a password. He’s stuck at the download app page.

Hello, mobile console version not yet supported. Please download Blynk app in App Store. By app you can register.


He can download the app to register but not using the email invitation. The user will not be in the organization without creating a password through the invitation link.

There are no invitations to download the application. The user himself downloads the application.

no invitation to download the application, but invitation to my organization. If i send a new user the invitation to my organization, he is unable to create a password, then get added to my organization.

The users are prompted to download the application if it does not exist on their device.

Are you inviting a user through applications?


I didn’t understand you a bit.

The user will receive a message to his email. He clicks on create a password. He is transferred to the application, and he can create a password

Yes, the user clicks create password button, but the set a password prompt does not come up. Instead, he is directed to this page even though he already has the app downloaded. This has happened with other users as well.


Understood, we will check on this server

Sounds like the Blynk IoT app is not installed or it was installed but site association wasn’t established or wasn’t cached by system. It usually gets fixed by either app reinstall (remove and install from App Store) or after phone restart and app relaunch, etc.
Let us know if this gets resolved.

Ok, thanks for the suggestions. We did app reinstall and will try phone restart next.