Hello, i have a little idea. What if there could be 2 tabs widgets in project? Or something like menu, but just on app side, so you can add more widgets to setting tab(for example if you have multiple day modes and you want to set led brightness for each one indepedently). It will make things more neat and tidy, as on HW side, so in UI
Coud you exaplin the this again but with more detail?
I don’t know how to explain that, and my english skills are quite… bad . but one pic is more than 1000 words, so i’ve added some. basically it should work like submenu.
Just use the tabs widget (which you already have in there) as this allows you to create up to 4 pages.
Any reason why you wouldn’t want to use the tabs widget for this?
I need 5-6 pages in total, so thats not possible via tabs widget.
hmmm might be out of luck unless they plan to add more space for widgets or you do some tricky logic on the hardware to change the properties of the widgets using setProperty function.