Ttgo t-call (esp32 + sim800l) with NEO-8M GPS

Dear ALL,

If I want to use GPS like NEO-8M for this Board to sent GPS data to Blynk what kind of Pins shall I use?
Normally TX and RX, right?

Does anyone have any instructions how to connect GPS?


Hi @Markus_Schmeckm, I’ve moved your post to a new topic, as its not really related to the one that you posted in.


Hi Guys,
can someone help me out. I use a TTGO-T-Call board with GSM capability.
I was able to connect a temperature sensor to the board. So far everything works well with Blynk.
Now I would like to connect an additional GPS sensor via the TX and RX interface.
The pinouts show that, for example, the TX / RX (26/27) are already used by the modem

I connected simple the Neo-GPS module to the Serial TX and RX pins, but that in turn causes conflict
with the USB port.

My question here would be which pin can I use or would it be even not better to go through the hardware serial Port?
The instructions show that this is an ESP32 can handle “Hardware serial”.


//Definition Hardware Interface
HardwareSerial Serial1(1);

void setup() {
//Starten der Schnittstellen
//Serial1 auf Pin 34 und 35

Having moved your non-relevant post to a new topic, you’ve now created another new topic about the same issue. I’ve merged them both together here.

Please keep everything associated with your quest to attach a GPS module to your TTG device in this one topic.


hi, you have a connection solution ( Ttgo t-call (esp32 + sim800l) + GPS ). Please help … thank you Hugo

I successfully managed to use ESP32 T-Call and Ublox Neo GPS.

in void setup, put

Serial2.begin(9600, SERIAL_8N1, 14, 27); //RX, TX

and so, you will be able to get data from GPS.

Hi, a try to make an GPS - SIM tracker with the Blynk V1.3 but when i try to use RX/TX a get AT command of SIM module. I try this to adapt this code
but i get hard crash after flash.
When i read the datasheet of the ESP32 i see 3 uart (0,1,2) but the Blynk have pin 16 and 17 NC so only two UART available no?
If someone have any tips for me :slight_smile:

Thanks for your help

What is the Blynk V1.3 ?


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This board :

That is the half baked version between the one with scalable fonts, etc. and the V2.0 FITW that some are still waiting for :innocent:

… or it is just some typical Chinese marketing using Blynk’s name on some random IoT device?


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Can you please share the code?

hi. im trying to neo-8m with ttgo t-call v1.3

but cant make work that:

#include <TinyGPS++.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

// The TinyGPS++ object
TinyGPSPlus gps;

void setup(){

  Serial2.begin(9600, SERIAL_8N1, 14, 27); //RX, TX


void loop(){
  while (Serial2.available() > 0){
    if (gps.location.isUpdated()){
      Serial.print("Latitude= "); 
      Serial.print(, 6);
      Serial.print(" Longitude= "); 
      Serial.println(gps.location.lng(), 6);

i connect neo TX to 14 and rx to 27. but neo to give any info.

@alexrm please edit your post, using the pencil icon at the bottom, and add triple backticks at the beginning and end of your code so that it displays correctly.
Triple backticks look like this:


Dont use neo m8 or m8n, it has a different protocol, rather use 6m or like mine use 7m , watch this!! And for the success using ttgo and gps neo 6m watch this

Just dont use neo m8 or m8n, it has a different protocol, rather use 6m or like mine use 7m , watch this!! And for the success using ttgo and gps neo 6m watch this

Hi there simply just dont use neo m8 or m8n, it has a different protocol, rather use 6m or like mine use 7m , watch this!! And for the success using ttgo and gps neo 6m watch this