Time input can't register

I’m using Arduino Mega 2560, but every time when I’m trying to set the time input on the widget template, upon pressing ‘OK’, it does not even show the time. Tried on both Apple and Samsung devices, but non is working. It is an auto medicine-taking reminder.
Here’s an example of one of the codes. I’m trying to connect 7 Time input widgets to an LED. I want to have the LED blink and the buzzer sound off at the specific time set on the widget. Please help me.


  int value = param.asInt();

  digitalWrite(ledPins[0], value);

  digitalWrite(buzzerPin1, value);

  digitalWrite(buzzerPin2, value);



  int value = param.asInt();

  digitalWrite(ledPins[1], value);

  digitalWrite(buzzerPin1, value);

  digitalWrite(buzzerPin2, value);


to 7 LEDs i mean. 1 time input for 1 LED

@akramaziz Please edit your post, using the pencil icon at the bottom, and add triple backticks at the beginning and end of your code so that it displays correctly.
Triple backticks look like this:

Copy and paste these if you can’t find the correct symbol on your keyboard.



Your code seems to be written as though you expect the Time Input widget to send an “on” (1) value when the widget On time occurs, and an “off” (0) value when the widget Off time occurs.
This isn’t how this widget works.

The widget sends a string array with the parameters you input - start hour, start minutes, start seconds, stop houts, stop minutes, stop seconds, active days of the week, timezone etc.
It’s up to you to capture these values and write a routine which compares them to the current time (and day of the week if you use that functionality) then take the appropriate action if the current time falls between the on/off time.
For this, you’ll need to know what the current time is so you’ll also need to use the Blynk RTC functionality, or get the time from an NTP server.

If you want the device to work correctly when the internet is down or after a power failure then you’ll probably need to store the on/off times in non-volatile memory such as EEPROM and use a hardware RTC as a backup.
This would be an important approach if you were building a project like a medication reminder, that needs to work seamlessly after a power outage or the internet is down.


May I know where or how can I get the Blynk RTC functionality

The Blynk documentation…



My Blynk app seems to be saying My HC-05 is offline upon pairing it up with my mobile device, and it does not seem that my Blynk app has a Bluetooth feature to pair it up after watching old tutorials. Any solutions?

Blynk IoT does not support BT or BLE.

If you need BT/BLE support then you’ll need to use a different platform.


So to pair it is without the HC-05, but just with the authentication token, which will it work?

I don’t understand the question.
With the Arduino Mega your options are Ethernet or WiFi, but both require additional hardware and TBH the Mega is probably not the best platform to use. You would probably be better using an ESP32 if you want to use WiFi.


Ill switch to NodeMCU, a better option?

Not if you want to control 7 physical LEDs and a buzzer.
