Time input blynk2 and esp32

Hello friends, does anyone have training on using the timer in Blink 2?
In the phone app
((I do not know what data stream to choose? And how to use this feature at all?))

Hey there,
You should choose a string type datastream.

Check this out

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Thank you :white_heart:. The value is now saved. How to tell programming to do something at this time. For example, turn on the LED.

I use Arduino IDE.

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Check this example

You may find it easier to use Automations.




Yes, it’s easier. But I do not have access to this feature because I use the free panel :frowning_face:. Thank you :white_heart:

When you create a datastream go to the advanced settings and turn on expose to automation and check available in actions and available in conditions

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Automations are available in the free subscription, you simply aren’t reading the instructions in the link properly, especially the part that says…


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Thank you I managed to activate

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Thank you I managed to activate :white_heart: