The widgets do not appear in the app

Hello, I made a small project. It works fine in the webbased version. But in the app the widgets do not appear. How could I fix this?


The web dashboard and mobile dashboard are different.
You need to add the required widgets to the mobile dashboard, and link them to the appropriate datastreams.


Thank you.
It is weird, but if you know…


Not really weird.
The Blynk system started as an app, and over time the available widgets grew and grew.
When the web console was added the number of widgets was minimal, and although a few more have been added they still don’t compete with the ones available in the app (all of this depends on the type of subscription you have of course). There can never be a correlation between the app and web widgets, because of the lack of a one-to-one relationship between widgets available on the two platforms. Also, the layout grid used to provide a meaningful screen layout on a computer monitor is always going to be very different to how you use an app on a phone.

People tend to use the web console in different ways, and for different things. Generally, when you’re out and about you wnat to check on the status of something, turn s9meting on or off, be notified of a situation etc.
When you’re using the web console you generally wnat a different level of information so you tend to build different types of dashboards.


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