Terminal Improvement

Hi all,

I am creating an alarm system for the garden of my house. The alarm consists of several PIRs connected to ESP8266 that are autonomous with strobe and buzzer and that send information to my phone. I was planning using the Terminal in order to get the history of all alarms but realized the terminal is erased almost every time ios app is launched.

I also realize there is no other widget that helps me see past history (LCD is too small). I think It would be a great improvement if :slight_smile:

  • either terminal keeps history
  • either there is a new component that helps having a log.

Thanks for all the nice work to the Blynk Team :slight_smile:


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Isn’t history graph widget historical?

Hi Dave,

No -> History Graph is great for Values not events.

This is what I mean:

In the red box I see the alarms I had, where and when they occurred etc.


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Have you heard of thingspeak.com - that’s what i use for complex history logging …

There are several ways to do what you want regarding logging the events.

You could store them on an SD card attached to the Mega and ask terminal to display them etc.

Costa - yes this is possible but the terminal has the advantage that it can be written from multiple ESPs at the same time.
Terminal can be an good event log mechanism for all the IOT events of an installation.

Also installing SD card for storing messages is not so “Blynk” and cloud oriented at my humble opinion.

thx anyway


thingspeak.com --> I will try that

I think we will add history data for terminal very soon. Server side already supports that.


An alternative to thingspeak is posting messages to the particle cloud and combine that with an email that will be sent through IFTTT. You could “collect” these notifications in a separate email account, like this you will have the time stamp.

I think we will add history data for terminal very soon.

Hi @Dmitriy, is it already implemented?


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Another idea for Terminal widget:
Autoscroll is time base now but it would be more useful if it would be action base.

For example: at the moment, if I switch on autoscroll option, the terminal widget is not allow to view history data because when I try to scroll back to view history, autoscroll push back to the end immadiately. If I switch off autoscroll, I can view back my history data but I have to scroll manually back to the end if I would see the new lines.

My proposal is change to action base the autoscroll. It means, I can hold autoscroll option in ON state and the termial widget refresh (autoscroll to the end) only in case of incoming data and not time by time.

Thank you.

My history data is disappear when I stop running and start again of widget. Should I recompile and upload again my code with new Blynk library version? Maybe it caused my old code (I upload it some month ago)?

This is old bug. We haven’t fix it yet.

hi dmitriy - do you have any plans for this to be fixed in the very near term ?

i’m sorry to bring back old subject.

it the bug fixed already?

how much (strings) can this terminal handle before it overflows?




Hello @Dmitriy, that means, terminal.print that exceeded 25 characters will be triggering overflows or I understood it incorrect?

Thanks and Best Regards,
Mike Kranidis

Not chars. But 25 lines. It is not related with overflow in any way.

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