I can’t manage to transfer a template to a sub organization, here is the situation :
my main organisation is say MAINORG.
from MAINORG I have a sub-org, say SUBORG.
I have two different admin accounts : one for MAINORG, one for SUBORG
In MAINGORG I have a template, say TEMP.
from TEMP I created a device, say DEV
from MAINORG I transfered DEV to SUBORG
from SUBORG I can see DEV, which is up and running
I need SUBORG admin to edit this device from template TEMP but I can’t manage to transfer TEMP to SUBORG : in SUBORG (connected as admin) I have neither template nor developper zone.
how to get developper zone in SUBORG ?
how to transfer TEMP from MAINORG to SUBORG ?
thanks a lot
Developer mode is only available in MAIN org. This is where all developers and “managers” with corresponding permissions should be. All the SubOrgs are designed for “clients” or grouping of devices and users under MAIN organization.
All organizations inherit all templates from MAIN organization.
Hope that it answers your question.
Thank you Pavel
I’m sorry but it is still not clear to me, since as MAINGORG admin when I’m in SUBORG-> Organization settings->Roles&permissions->Devices->Owned or Organization devices there is an ‘Edit devices’ checkbox, what is the role of this check ?
is there a way to delegate the admin of a specific template to a developer ?
In this case, Editing means changing metadata values, renaming the device, etc.
It’s not about editing the template.
Unfortunately, at the moment there is no way to delegate or share a particular template with a particular developer.
Could you please share the use-case? What are you trying to achieve?
here is the use case :
I opened a sub-org for a client
I built a template for the client with datastreams and so on
devices shows on and are running fine
I need the client to edit his own device, without giving access to the main org, in order the client can work on his template only
Thanks for the explanation. We designed PRO plan around most common use which is: main organization is the provider and manager, while sub organizations are only “users”.
Developer role to edit templates is only available in Main organization
Ok Pavel thank you for the clarification
please keep in mind that allowing a sub-org user of a pro plan to access to developper mode would allow him to see the full potential of Blynk better than with a free restricted account, and might lead him to open his own account
in other words pro plan accounts could be turned into good representatives this way for the benefice of all parties