Teensy 3.6 and ESP8266-12S no esp8266wifi.h


I’m new to teensy and trying to get it running with an esp8266-12S wifi board.
If i choose teensy 3,6 from the board manager i get this error:

Arduino: 1.8.5 (Mac OS X), TD: 1.44, Board:“Teensy 3.6, Serial, 72 MHz, Faster, US English”
/Users/stijlmalloot/Dropbox/Arduino/TEENSY 3.6/teensy_wifi_blynk_voorbeeld_test/teensy_wifi_blynk_voorbeeld_test.ino:5:25: fatal error: ESP8266WiFi.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.

When using sample program from this thread (post #2):
Teensy connects and everything works fine.

My question is why does the blynk blink sample code (witch i use) generate an error?

Has anyone had this problem?
thank a lot for any replay

Since it is not an Arduino, nor a ESP8266 standalone board… you need to prepare your IDE for it. Once you have made it possible to program the Teansy in the Arduino IDE, then you will have to experiment for the best Arduino board option to chose in both the sketch builder and App. Although if using just Virtual pins, then it really doesn’t matter… just use these libraries…

#include <ESP8266_Lib.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleShieldEsp8266.h>

NOTE: When programming, you are programming it as an Arduino type board NOT as an ESP. The ESP just becomes a serial to WiFi transceiver.


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Thanks a lot.
It works! :+1:

I’m new to arduino. I have the same type of work. We have a board purchased from https://www.tindie.com/products/cburgess129/arduino-teensy-v44-with-wifibluetoothnrf24l01/
which need to be used to send data to cloud via esp8266. but as said in above links esp8266 just acts as serial to wifi transciever.
Could you please share your code for sending data from teensy via esp8266.
BTW, the above specified link for teensy blocks the visitors to site.

thanks in advance

If you mean this link:

then it’s working fine for me…


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