Table Widget not working with Device Selector

My Setup:

  1. Running latest Android,iPhone apps & local server-0.29.5-java8.jar
  2. Application contains: Table widget, device selector (2 devices assigned), value field
  3. Table assigned to Device Selector
  4. Value field shows table index (updated from device 1)
  5. Device 1 updates Table & table index value field
  6. iPhone logged into project account, Android using Share of project
  7. Table is updated after reboot of device 1 (wifi & blynk connected)


  1. If device 1 is selected, the tables on both phones are updated properly when rebooting device 1.
    Table Index field updated properly as well
    –> perform step 1, 3 times to get 3 entries in table
  2. If device 2 is selected, the tables are as follows:
    iphone: stays the same i.e. still looking at device 1 data<-Wrong, should be blank
    android: show empty table…<-Correct
  3. If device 1 is re-selected, the tables are as follows:
    iphone: stays the same i.e. no change, still looking at device 1 data
    android: still empty…<-Wrong
  4. Leaving Device 1 selected, reboot device 1 (should add table entry)
    iphone: Adds entry, now table contains 4<-Correct
    android: Adds last entry, other 3 gone<-Wrong
  5. Repeat step 4:
    iphone: Adds entry, now table contains 5<-Correct
    android: Adds last entry to previous 1, other 3 still gone<-Adding but still Wrong
  6. If phone apps. are sent to background and then brought to foreground:
    iphone: stays the same i.e. no change, still looking at device 1 table data
    android: comes up empty…<-Wrong, why now completely blank?
  7. Repeat Step 2:
    iphone: stays the same i.e. still looking at device 1 data<-Wrong, should be blank
    android: show empty table…<-Correct
  8. Select Device 1:
    iphone: stays the same i.e. no change, still looking at device 1 data<-Correct
    android: still empty…<-Wrong
  9. With Device 1 still selected, reboot device 1 (should add table entry)
    iphone: Adds entry, now table contains 6<-Correct
    android: Adds last entry, other 5 gone<-Wrong
  10. if you TERMINATE each phone app. then re-open it, ALL DATA IS GONE<-WHAT???
    Note: doesn’t matter if you re-select device etc, GONE…If you repeat step 1, data starts collecting again.

There is a serious issue with this. I’m really depending on this feature to work so hopefully it can be fixed.


I think you are running into a common “issue” with Sharing (Shared access)… which I believe was initially developed as a quick way of demoing your basic project to others without commitment of Login/Passwords, etc.

However, I don’t think it was ever meant to work with some of the new Widget interfaces that you and others keep trying to use with Sharing. Until the developers determine if a revamped/updated Sharing option is to be availed, you just can’t use a shared phone with all Widgets.

If you want TRUE multi phone/tablet control with a single project, use the same login for both devices. If you don’t want the other user to have access to your other projects, then create a seperate account just for that project.

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Ok, I tried performing the same experiment with BOTH phones (iphone&android) logged into same account running previous simple project (NO SHARING).

Observations: Same results…

Other items of interest:

  1. I noticed when I select a device (device 1 to 2) on the android, the iphone changed its device selection as well.<-As expected
  2. When I made the change on the iPhone, the android device did not change.<-Works same way in Shared mode

Please take a minute and whip up a simple sketch. I’m pretty sure any 2 phones will present the problem. If you just use one android phone and put blynk in background (push home button or allow screen timout), go back in and see your table data has vanished. :sob:

As I said previously, something is broken…

Thanks for trying to help.

I am guessing you haven’t done any searching of this forum for similar issues?.. I did find something that sounds the same (items missing after phone sleeps), but was reportedly user coding error? Might not be related…

Perhaps post your repeatable issue code, QR and screenshots of settings and issue results.

@minnkid thanks for the detailed report. This is the known issue. At the moment all widgets with history (LCD, Terminal, Table) don’t work with device selector. (Actually, don’t store history per device).

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Thanks for acknowledging what I was seeing.

I have 3 questions:

  1. Does SuperChart support history when using the Device Selector?
  2. Any suggestions as to what can be used in Blynk to store multiple messages (like table,i.e. status/date) from different devices when using the Device Selector?
  3. Is there a target date when Blynk will support history for Table Widget when using Device Selector?



Right now only solution is to use widget per device;

Nope. This is the feature that may introduce server performance degradation so we have to rollout it carefully.

@minnkid the issue is fixed.