Hi, I’m sure this must be possible but I can’t find a way to do it.
I’m running Blynk on Android (4.x) using the Blynk.com server.
I want a table of exactly 8 rows - one for each of the attributes that the code on my OrangePi will update.
Now, I can clear (“clr”) the table and that works fine.
I can “add” an entry to the first row, say, to announce the app has started and that works. Here’s the code:
Blynk.virtualWrite(V12, “add”, STARTED, “Started”, buffer );
where STARTED is the symbolic name for row 1, in C it is
#define STARTED 1
But how do I later alter that row to contain different data?
If I run the same command again, it inserts a new row. Even though the row number (3rd argument) is still “1”.
I’ve checked through the library source and the only options for table operations appear to be “clr”, “pick” and “add”.
I could store a local image of all the rows in the table and then do a “clr”
followed by writing all 8 rows. But this seems an inelegant way to just make a change to a single table entry.
Suggestions would be welcome.