Synchonisation between APP and Server

Hello, I struggle currently with the following scenario:
I do have some buttons in my APP
From time to time the mobile phone do not have network access but it could happen that during this network OFF time the buttons are set or changed. Having network back again the app showing not the status of the server as the server did recognized any App change.
What is the best strategy to keep both synchonized ?

Hello. Does hardware change it?

Do you mean, that while the app was offline you made some changes on the UI and you want this changes to be sync with the server when the app goes back online?

I guess for now the best/simplest option is just to pull up the screen to make app refresh the UI and see the latest state.

no HW changes, changes made in UI during OFF state I mean.
close an open the app will refresh and sync with server right, but is there a possibility to initiate this synchronisation somehow without closing and opening ?

I don’t understand how you’re managing to open the app and make changes to widget values if your mobile phone/tablet doesn’t have internet connectivity.
In the iOS version of the app you just get a message in the app saying “No server connection” and can’t proceed past that point, so its impossible to change widget states or values.


yes you are right if the drop takes longer -my issue is/was more relevant on shorter breaks under critical network circiumstances

I think you’d need to expand on that statement if you want anyone to understand the scenario you’re talking about and suggest a solution.
