Switching button, close app then open app and the button is unswitched

Hello my friends,

I have 7 buttons, Monday, Tuesday etc. etc. and i want to set program to execute in Monday, so i switch the button, and its switched. BUT. If I close the app, and then open it, the button is unswitched.
Is there any possibility to update button status in app to Blynk cloud or something?
I need to have view what i pushed despite closing app.

Thank You in advance my masters!

You didn’t mention the type of button… but it sounds like you have an older library version with the new App version… best to keep all portions of Blynk updated as soon as they come out.

If only we had a way of prompting people to tell us what version of the app and library they are using, whether they running a local server etc. etc. :roll_eyes:

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Hey, great idea!!.. It could prompt them to read the documents and search this forum before asking questions as well… What a time saver that would be :stuck_out_tongue:


sorry if that wasn’t clear, the button is in SWITCH mode, not the push one.

Blynk (app) v. 2.25.1
Blynk library 0.5.3


Nevermind. i’ve got it.

If You have error like this, try to change Virtual pins it worked for me, don’t know why (the V1-V7 pins were not busy or smth, but changing from V1-V7 to V10-V17 just worked)

There is also a new button, that will show with the current App, but may not work properly without current Library, Server (if using Local), etc… that’s what I meant.

We have had a few recent posts about new style Widgets disappearing or not working upon App restart… and it is generally a mismatch of old and new versions in the Blynk Triune (App, Lib, Server).

Doesn’t make sense… but hey, if it is now working, then great! :smiley: