Swap the tabs

Hello friends,
Can you help me with the tab widget? How can I swap the tabs? Is it possible? For example, if I have well done tab, but it so happened that tab in front of it I don’t need anymore.

Not yet supported due to some complexities.

You can move widgets from one tab to another, though.

Thanks for the reply! However, this is inconvenient if you’re creating apps for a large project.

me too I also agree with @kikilich ! When starting a project we have some assumption as we placed for widgets in. We then revise the widget to simplified the appearance in term of easier usage. if the tabs can be swapped togther then it should be perfect in customizing the appearance. Thanks.

I understand that it would be convenient, and it’s on our roadmap. But even today you can do it:

  1. Rename the Tabs
  2. Drag widgets accordingy
  3. Done :slight_smile: