I am running…
Blynk version 2.22.0 (5) on an iPhone X, iOS 11.4.1
I am sending four temperature data streams to my Blynk project.
All the temperatures show up in their value displays without any problem. They are updated every 1-2 seconds.
I want to display the same temperatures in a superchart too. The superchart seems to work as expected when I choose “Live”, but if I switch to any other time interval (e.g. 15m or 1h), I only see “No data yet…” in the chart.
I don’t know if this is relevant, but two of the temperature values are integers, two of the temperatures are float.
I am quite sure I had the superchart working a few months ago. My code on the device side has not changed since then. I am using an Arduino Mega2560 connected to an ESP-WROOM-02U, and I am sending to the Blynk server… not a local server.
One thing that has changed in the last few months is that I am now using my Blynk project to connect to many devices, so now I use the “Choose Unit” for the source of each data stream.
I tried just one data stream in the superchart… same problem: The chart works in “live” mode but no other time intervals where I see “No data yet” in the chart. I also tried changing away from “Choose Unit”… and I specified the specific unit for the data stream… same problem.