Superchart export excel file not able to download in the email

Hi I’m using esp8266 and superchart to get the data.
when I tried to export data using superchart and I received email with download link but when I click that data link, it seems like open a new window but it closed in 0.1 second and happened nothing.

does anyone know why?
please let me know. thanks!

Blynk IOT or legacy ?

Has to be Legacy, you can’t export from Superchart in IoT.


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I’m using legacy…

I’m using Legacy.

If you’re using Chrome as your default browser on a desktop PC then when you click on the hyperlink then you’ll see a notification bar at the bottom of the browser window, and clicking/right clicking on this will give you option to open the file, open the downloads folder etc.
The file format is .gz which requires a utility app to decompress it.

If you try the same thing on a mobile device then it depends very much on how that device is configured to handle .gz compressed files.


Thank you for the help.
I was able to download file using edge browser.
(still not able to download using chrome though.)

Thank you!