
Hello friends, my last project I added a super chat and it does not store the data, it only gives me live data, not even in an hour.

Probably because you haven’t enabled historical data for your datastream…


Thank you for the clarification but I can’t find the activation button, sorry

It’s in the APP itself, right?

Web console > Template > Datastream



Is that Pete?

Thanks Pete now it works

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Where is the option to select historical data. It seems my account app is only allowing me to store historic data on a few graphs, then being limited. I may be totally wrong. Please help sir. Thank you

I explained where to find this setting in post #4


I do have history data enabled on all virtual pins that are in question. Still not working

Maybe you should start a new “need help…” topic and explain exactly what your issue is, which datastreams you are using, how they are configured, how you’re sending data to Blynk and what sort of subscription plan you have.
