SuperChar Axes range

Android (98)
Sony F5321 (F5321)
Application : 2.26.5

I have small values range and see bad axes ticks:

What is the issu exactly about? I don’t see anything wrong on the image

@Pavel he means zeroes on Y axes
The red one probably just hasn’t any values
The blu one has 2 zeroes. @BlynkAndroidDev will check

  1. 5 red ticks ‘0’ without data
  2. 2 blue ticks ‘0’
  3. 2 blue ticks ‘0.01’
  4. 1 column between ‘0’ and another ‘0’
  5. two different height column with same values ‘0.01’
  6. 5 ticks between 0 and 0.02

there is only 1 red value = 0.02 on the another screen.

Are you sure you are using 2.26.5, as we had worked on fixes for such issues in several previous releases?

What is Android

Android 8.0.0, sorry)
The SuperChart was made by previous version if app. I download last version and nothing changes. Should I recreate SuperChart?

No, could you share it’s with us? You can send me share QR by email to, we’ll return you that 1000 energy on blynk-cloud (provide your login too).

Thanks, please, check e-mail.

You have also ‘energy’ bug: when you clone Project with sharing you lost 1000 energy =(. I think it’s not needed for most cases.

This is not a bug. It is done by purpose.

Sorry, I can’t understand cases for this ‘purpose’ =/.

Sharing is paid feature that costs 1000 energy. Once you use it is charged and never returned. It it consumable purchase. And sharing is sharing, it is not cloning.

I understand paid for sharing. Ok. But if you clone project to you friend, he opens QR and lost energy for widgets and 1000 sharing energy, but doesn’t want to share his project.

Sharing is not cloning -

@Dmitriy seems it is a case of cloning shared project - does the server handle this case?

Thanks, I’ve reproduced the issue, please do not stop sharing while I’m debugging this issue, and send @Dmitriy a PM he will return you 1000 energy for the sharing.

ok :cowboy_hat_face:

Hmm… I think its’t not works in previous version. Ok, I’ll check it some time

It looks like you have a very small values in your streams, like 0 and 0.0002 and due to formatting of labels they are shown as 0.

My device sends data with 0.01 step. But Float can be different, of course.
You know the truth as server owner.

I don’t see values larger than 0.003 in your charts data for the first stream
and only 0 and 0.0002 for the second one

I’m working on a fix to this issue