Storing Data on Blynk Cloud - Have to have Ios App Open

I am using my ESP8266 app to write values to widgets on my IoS app. They are also stored on the Blynk Cloud server and I can retrieve with the API.

However I have noticed that if the IOS app is closed, then the ESP8266 no longer stores data on the cloud ?

Is this normal ?

Are you taking advantage of VirtualPins in your hardware code? If not, then the behavior you experience is correct.

Only via virtual pins will the data be stored on the server while the app is closed.

Yes, I am writing an incrementing counter value to V25 periodically (every Minute via a timer function using Blynk.virtualWrite(V25, ctr); ).

When the IOS app is running, all is well, and if I use the API to get the value from the cloud using an http command, then it returns the current correct value.

If I close the IOS app, then after a period (I think a few minutes or so), I use the http cloud, then the value returned is not the current value.

Probably you are using reading widgets. Reading widgets work only when app is active. You need to switch to timer -