SSL on Local server

Hi there, I installed java and everything and my local server on the Pi is working fine, but when I try to access the server through ( https://raspberrypi.local or ip_adress ) the browser it says " Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead " I can access the page by clicking advanced options but I want to fix it. I also would like to control the appliance through the browser or desktop. so,

  1. Fix SSL.
  2. Control the device from the desktop.

Are you using Chrome?

If so, have you done this:

Turn off chrome https warning on localhost

Paste in chrome

You should see highlighted text saying: “Allow invalid certificates for resources loaded from localhost”. Click enable.

I’m not exactly sure what you mean by this, can you elaborate?


No, I am using Firefox, so you mean the connection is secure but the SSL error is because the certificate is issued for which alerts the browser. I am using the local server to control a LED tube light so I would like to control it from my computer through a web interface or something like that.

There is no web interface for the current version of Blynk.
You would need to write your own, maybe using HTML and API calls.
Alternatively you could run an Android emulator on your computer.

I’m not familiar with Firefox, so can’t help with that question I’m afraid.


Can you help me with creating a web interface?

This interface if created can also be used by other people

I have given an security exception to raspberrypi.local on Firfox.

No. It’s not something I have a use for.
The new version if Blynk will have a web interface - screenshot below - but probably wont be available to run on a local server.


Okay, but can you at least give me an idea what request is sent to turn off a bulb and turn it back on connected to a Nodemcu. But its sad to hear that it won’t be available for local server.

The API documentation is here:


Let me try to digest this!