"SONOFF Clone" - Mini-ESP8266 Power AC Relay Controller

Haha lucky for some!

And from this forum as well :wink: Thanks for restoring his deleted posts @Jamin

Hello there. What part of sketch do I need to change to make it work with normally open connection? Meaning SWITCH_PIN LOW instead of HIGH and vice versa? I tried to do that with no luck

Hey Zbx!

Sorry its taken so long to reply.

You just need to invert the bits on the following lines:

^^ Change 1 to 0

^^ Change 0 to 1

Inverted! :slight_smile:

in code where i put ssid and pass ssid? and which ouput pins are selected in the blynk app? I do not run for a local server…thx

All in settings.h


here is part of my sketch for a (+ve) activated Relay

 *                             switch.h

  BlynkTimer timer;

  int SwitchState, timer1, SwitchDelay;

  WidgetBridge gate(vPIN_BRIDGE_GATE);


  void Switch_OFF() {
digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, 0);
Blynk.virtualWrite(vPIN_BUTTON_MANUAL, 0);
Blynk.virtualWrite(vPIN_LED, 0);

  void Switch_ON() {
digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, 1);
Blynk.virtualWrite(vPIN_BUTTON_MANUAL, 1);
Blynk.virtualWrite(vPIN_LED, 255);

  void Switch_Toggle(bool state) {
digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, state);
SwitchState = digitalRead(RELAY_PIN);
if (SwitchState) { SwitchState = 255;
Blynk.virtualWrite(vPIN_LED, SwitchState);
  }else{  SwitchState = 0; 
Blynk.virtualWrite(vPIN_LED, SwitchState);

  BLYNK_WRITE(vPIN_BUTTON_TIMEOUT) { // remote delay Switch
if ((digitalRead(RELAY_PIN))== 0)  
  timer.setTimeout(SwitchDelay, Switch_OFF);

  BLYNK_WRITE(vPIN_BUTTON_MANUAL) { // manual button

  BLYNK_WRITE(vPIN_TIMER) { // timer Switch
if (param.asInt()) {
  gate.virtualWrite(vPIN_BRIDGE_GATE, param.asInt());
} else {

SwitchDelay = param[0].asInt() * 60000;

My Smart Plug
Thanks to Jamin


That is awesome @Ze_Pico! I need to make a smaller package like this :slight_smile:

May I ask what you used as a power supply for the esp :slight_smile:


A cube “Chinese” USB Charger + 3.3V Regulator

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Thanks. Love the title, dangerous :stuck_out_tongue:

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Looks cool! :clap:

What’s the BOM?


Bill Of Materials (BOM)

I think the problem is to find the corresponding CASE , BOX or ENCLOSURE available in our countries.
most of us uses AliExpress , ebay or amazon to find products.


                                                      For   DE


                                                      For UK

About my “Grounded 2 Gang Plug Socket” I bought them 2 or 3 years ago from our local market and they remained in there boxes until I saw Jamin Project. the cost was about 1.0 $ per unit.

for the other parts in US $

1- ESP8266-01__________________________2.0 $
2- The CUBE "USB Charger "______________1.0 $
3- 10 pcs AMS1117-3.3 ___________________0.3 $
4- DS18B20 TO-92_______________________0.9 $
5- DS18B20 in Stainless Steel Package______2.0 $
6- 3.5 mm Plug and Socket Stereo _________0.5 $

All these parts can be found at AliExpress or perhaps with a better price in your local market.

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Can somebody explain it to me why I’m getting Wi-Fi signal strenght like this ?

Read Here "SONOFF Clone" - Mini-ESP8266 Power AC Relay Controller:

also Explained here Blynk.setProperty(V0, “label”, “My New Widget Label”);

Replace With :

  timer.setInterval(10000L, []() {
    Blynk.virtualWrite(vPIN_WIFI_SIGNAL, String("Wifi = ") + map(WiFi.RSSI(), -105, -40, 0, 100) + String('%')+  String("  (") + WiFi.RSSI() + String("dB)"));});

it works! thanx

i have noticed i had to change virtual pin to make changes … perhaps theres a bug on the server or something

does that signl icon change with signal strenght or its just simple icon ?


No change, but you can change the color of " Signal Strength" according to the signal .