[Solved] Slider widget glitch/lag

6 replies above @Costas - @Dmitriy asked me to pull the code that had anything to do with that slider ie V29 . So I just screenshot it so you can see it. Are you saying though that even though there may be a code issue it wouldn’t affect the IOS slider but it would affect the Android slider ?



It’s possible, yes.

Showing the V29 entries in isolation is wholly inadequate.
Do you have calls to Occupied() or Check_Away() anywhere in your sketch?
What data type is SetPoint1?
Do you have any SimpleTimer routines in your sketch?

I have the same problem. iOS had no problem, but on Android the slider doesn’t update in certain lines of code…

Hi @Costas,

Calls to occupied and check-away are done via a timer and setpoint1 is a float vrbl. I don’t understand why taking V29 in isolation is not enough, as surely if the slider jumps to zero then the code must be writing to V29 to do this and if that is the case the IOS slider should jump to zero should it not???
If you want the code in its entirety let me know and I will upload it but there is a lot of superfluous stuff you don’t need to worry about in it and it’s over 300 lines



Yet the tiny extract of code you posted states otherwise!!!

Hi @Costas can you explain? have I cocked up here some where? should it be and int rather than a float ?

reason I use a float is I add .3 of a degree to the value for hysteresis control in the code. Could this be the issue

here is the full code for you to look at - this may be one version behind as I code it in 2 different buildings but should be 99% the same as it is work in progress and not fully finished yet

#include <TimeLib.h>            // Used by WidgetRTC.h
#include <WidgetRTC.h>          // Blynk's RTC
#include "DHT.h"
#define DHTPIN 5 // DHT signal in pin
#define DHTTYPE DHT22
SimpleTimer timer;
WidgetRTC rtc;

float t; //Temp variable
float h; //Humidity variable

bool resetFlag = true;    // TRUE when the hardware has been reset.

// Heating control pins and variables
int Heat1_pin = 9;                    // Pin for Heating rad 1 relay.
int PIR_pin = 4;                      // choose the input pin (for PIR occupancy sensor)
int Heat1_Status;                     // Status of relay1 at reset/startup etc also stored on V30
float SetPoint1;                      // Temp setting for room monitored by DHT22
float Away_Temp1;                     // Temp to set heating to if on but no occupance ie Away
float Hysteresis1_Val = 0.3;          // Allows for 0.3c above and below the setpoint1 to stop 'twitching' around the setpoint
int Activity = 0;                     // PIR occupancy counter
bool startFlag = false;               // TRUE when the heating is on
bool stopFlag = false;                // TRUE when the heating is off.
bool daySet = false;
int Occupied_Temp;                    // Copy of setpoint used in AWAY mode
long todaysAccumRuntimeSec;           // Today's accumulated runtime in seconds - displayed in app as minutes.
int currentCycleSec, currentCycleMin; // If Heating is running, the duration of the current cycle (non-accumulating).
int yesterdayRuntime;                 // Sum of yesterday's runtime in minutes - displays in app.
int yesterdayCount;                   // Sum of yesterday's cycle count to display in app.
int todaysDate;                       // Sets today's date related to things that reset at EOD.
int heatingTodaysStartCount;          // Today's number of heating cycles
String currentTimeDate;               // Time formatted as "0:00AM on 0/0"
String startTimeDate, stopTimeDate, resetTimeDate;
String currentStatus;                 // What displays in app. Used solely for sync and recover purposes.

// Lighting control pins and AC feedback
int RELAY1_PIN = 2;       // Relay 1 pin
int AC_Sens1_pin = 3;     // Relay 1 ac sens pin
int feedback1;            // AC feedback1 variable

char auth[] = "xxxxxxx";

void setup()
  // Setup all of the pins and default ALL relays to OFF before reinstating stored states
  pinMode(RELAY1_PIN, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Heat1_pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(AC_Sens1_pin, INPUT);
  pinMode(PIR_pin, INPUT);
  digitalWrite(Heat1_pin, 0);
  digitalWrite(RELAY1_PIN, 0);

  //Lets sync up all the store states for the V pins and load the appropriate variables listed below
  Blynk.syncVirtual(V3);             // Light 1 Relay state
  Blynk.syncVirtual(V28);            // Away_Temp1
  Blynk.syncVirtual(V29);            // SetPoint1
  Blynk.syncVirtual(V30);            // Heat1_pin state
  Blynk.syncVirtual(V31);            // CurrentStatus
  Blynk.syncVirtual(V110);           // heatingTodaysStartCount
  Blynk.syncVirtual(V111);           // todaysAccumRuntimeSec
  Blynk.syncVirtual(V112);           // yesterdayRuntime
  Blynk.syncVirtual(V113);           // yesterdayCount

  timer.setInterval(200, AC_detect);      // Check AC_detect for AC presence every 50 milliseconds
  timer.setInterval(1000, setClockTime);  // Creates a current time with leading zeros.
  timer.setInterval(1000, countRuntime);  // Counts heating runtime for daily accumulation displays.
  timer.setInterval(1000, totalRuntime);  // Counts heating runtime.
  timer.setInterval(1500, sendStatus);    // update the app with all the data
  timer.setInterval(2000, TempControl);   // Check temp control and action
  timer.setInterval(5000, Occupancy);     // Check if the room is occupied via PIR sensor
  timer.setInterval(600000, Check_Away);  // Check if we need to go into AWAY mode every 10 mins

void loop()

void AC_detect()
  feedback1 = digitalRead(AC_Sens1_pin);
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V2, feedback1); // update SWITCH widget state from AC input only if it has changed

void TempControl()
  //Read temp and humidity from DHT22
  h = dht.readHumidity();
  t = dht.readTemperature();
  // write values to V5 and V6
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V5, h);  // Update widgets with temp & humidity data
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V6, t);

  //OK lets action if heating needs to be turned ON or OFF
  // ON first
  if (t < (SetPoint1 - Hysteresis1_Val)) // Only turn ON when below setpoint1 minus Hysteresis1_Val
    digitalWrite(Heat1_pin, 0);  // Turn rad 1 ON
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V30, 0);  // update V30 with Heat1_pin current status
  // Turn OFF then
  else if (t > (SetPoint1 + Hysteresis1_Val)) // Only turn OFF when above setpoint1 plus Hysteresis1_Val
    digitalWrite(Heat1_pin, 1); // Turn rad 1 OFF
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V30, 1); // update V30 with current status

void Occupancy () // Is there anybody in there!!
  if (digitalRead(PIR_pin) == 1) {
    // Count movement activity every 5 seconds via PIR and maintain Setpoint1
    Activity = Activity + 1;
    SetPoint1 = Occupied_Temp;  // set setpoint1 back to what it was before away temp was instigated
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V29, SetPoint1);

void Check_Away ()
  if (Activity == 0) {         // No one  present so drop setpoint temp to Away_temp1
    Occupied_Temp = SetPoint1; // store current setpoint1
    SetPoint1 = Away_Temp1;    // Set to Away_temp1
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V29, SetPoint1);
  else {
    Activity = 0;              // presence has been detected so reset activity counter and and start again

void setClockTime()

  //if (year() != 1970) // Doesn't start until RTC is set correctly.

  // Below gives me leading zeros on minutes and AM/PM.
  if (minute() > 9 && hour() > 11) {
    currentTimeDate = String(hourFormat12()) + ":" + minute() + "PM on " + day() + "/" + month();
  else if (minute() < 10 && hour() > 11) {
    currentTimeDate = String(hourFormat12()) + ":0" + minute() + "PM on " + day() + "/" + month();
  else if (minute() > 9 && hour() < 12) {
    currentTimeDate = String(hourFormat12()) + ":" + minute() + "AM on " + day() + "/" + month();
  else if (minute() < 10 && hour() < 12) {
    currentTimeDate = String(hourFormat12()) + ":0" + minute() + "AM on " + day() + "/" + month();

void sendStatus()
  // has Arduino been reset or just started.
  if (resetFlag == true && year() != 1970)
    resetTimeDate = currentTimeDate;
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V31, currentStatus);
    Blynk.setProperty(V31, "label", String("Current Status:                    SYSTEM RESET at ") + resetTimeDate);

  if (Heat1_Status == 1 && resetFlag == true)   // Runs once following reset/start if Heat is ON.
    startFlag = true;
    resetFlag = false;
  else if (Heat1_Status == 0 && resetFlag == true) // Runs once following Arduino reset/start if heat is OFF.
    stopFlag = true;
    resetFlag = false;

  // Display all the data on the app
  // Have we passed threshold of heat limit? if so turn it off
  if (digitalRead(Heat1_pin) == 1 && startFlag == true) // now OFF, but was on
    // Purpose: To swap between ON and OFF display once heating state change.
    stopTimeDate = currentTimeDate;                                   // Set off time.
    Blynk.setProperty(V31, "color", "#23C48E");   // Green
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V31, String("Heat OFF since ") + stopTimeDate); // Write to app.
    currentStatus = String("Heat OFF since ") + stopTimeDate;
    stopFlag = true;   // Ready flag when heat turns on.
    startFlag = false;// Keep everything locked out until the next cycle.
  else if (digitalRead(Heat1_pin) == 0 && stopFlag == true) // ON, but was off
    startTimeDate = currentTimeDate;
    Blynk.setProperty(V31, "color", "#D3435C");   // Red
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V31, String("Heat ON since ") + startTimeDate);
    currentStatus = String("Heat ON since ") + startTimeDate;
    startFlag = true;
    stopFlag = false;
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V25, Activity);

void countRuntime()
  if (year() != 1970) // Doesn't start until RTC is set correctly.
    if (daySet == false) {      // Sets the date (once per hardware restart) now that RTC is correct.
      todaysDate = day();
      daySet = true;
    if (digitalRead(Heat1_pin) == 0 && todaysDate == day()) // Accumulates seconds unit is running today.
      ++todaysAccumRuntimeSec;                              // Counts today's Heat1 on time in seconds.
      Blynk.virtualWrite(111, todaysAccumRuntimeSec);
    else if (todaysDate != day()) // day changed so do the business
      yesterdayRuntime = (todaysAccumRuntimeSec / 60);  // Moves today's runtime to yesterday for the app display.
      Blynk.virtualWrite(112, yesterdayRuntime);        // Record yesterday's runtime to V112
      todaysAccumRuntimeSec = 0;                        // Reset today's sec timer.
      Blynk.virtualWrite(111, todaysAccumRuntimeSec);
      yesterdayCount = heatingTodaysStartCount;         // set yesterdays runtime cycles variable for display
      Blynk.virtualWrite(113, yesterdayCount);          // Record yesterday's no of cycles to V113
      heatingTodaysStartCount = 0;                      // Reset how many times heating cycle has started today.
      todaysDate = day();
    if (yesterdayRuntime < 1)     // Displays yesterday's runtime in app, or 'None' is there's none.
      Blynk.virtualWrite(14, "None");
      Blynk.virtualWrite(14, String(yesterdayRuntime) + " mins (" + (yesterdayCount) + " runs)");

    if (todaysAccumRuntimeSec == 0)   // Displays today's runtime in app, or 'None' if there's none.
      Blynk.virtualWrite(15, "None");
    else if (todaysAccumRuntimeSec > 0 && heatingTodaysStartCount == 0)
      Blynk.virtualWrite(15, String(todaysAccumRuntimeSec / 60) + " minutes");
    else if (todaysAccumRuntimeSec > 0 && heatingTodaysStartCount > 0)
      Blynk.virtualWrite(15, String(todaysAccumRuntimeSec / 60) + " mins (" + (heatingTodaysStartCount) + " runs)");

void totalRuntime()
  if (digitalRead(Heat1_pin) == 0) // If Heating 1 is on running...
    ++currentCycleSec;               // accumulate the running time, however...
    currentCycleMin = (currentCycleSec / 60);
  else if (digitalRead(Heat1_pin) == 1 && currentCycleSec > 0) // if Heating 1 is off but recorded some runtime...
    Blynk.virtualWrite(110, ++heatingTodaysStartCount);  // Stores how many times the unit has started today... adds one start.
    currentCycleSec = 0;                                 // Reset the current cycle clocks
    currentCycleMin = 0;

// Sync up all of the virtual pin data

BLYNK_WRITE(V2)  // Runs every-time switch widget is toggled - For Light 1
  digitalWrite(RELAY1_PIN, !digitalRead(RELAY1_PIN)); // Toggle relay1
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V3, digitalRead(RELAY1_PIN));    // Store Light 1 relay state in V3

  int pinData = param.asInt();
  digitalWrite(RELAY1_PIN, pinData); // and reinstate relay state

BLYNK_WRITE(V28)  // Input from slider in app to set Away_Temp1
  Away_Temp1 = param.asInt();

BLYNK_WRITE(V29)  // Input from slider in app to set SetPoint1
  SetPoint1 = param.asInt();
  Occupied_Temp = SetPoint1; // store this in a vrbl as used by Away_Temp1 setting

  Heat1_Status = param.asInt();
  digitalWrite(Heat1_pin, Heat1_Status); // and reinstate heat 1 condition

  currentStatus = param.asStr();

  heatingTodaysStartCount = param.asInt();

  todaysAccumRuntimeSec = param.asLong();

  yesterdayRuntime = param.asInt();

  yesterdayCount = param.asInt();

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@newdos one significant bug that you have is that you are trying to send a float to the Slider widget that only accepts an int. The normal response for a Slider when you send it duff info is to reset it as zero.

okay I can try that - is that not the case for IOS slider then ?

iOS and Android cores are written by different people. Maybe iOS coder wrote up “do nothing when user sends duff info”.

OK Cool @Costas hope this is the cause - will test tonight and let you know the outcome.

Thanks for all your help so far guys @Costas, @Dmitriy, @Gunner, @BlynkAndroidDev



It seems that floats are the cause of your issue. I’ll add parsing floats as ints in the next bugfix release.

Yes guys changing it to an INT instead of FLOAT works!!! however there is a screen issue as well as it doesn’t slide very well and likes to jump to zero still when I slide it, but now as the code is writing to the V29 pin it doesn’t go to zero any more. Wonder if any of my english friends have used a Tesco android Hudl tablet which is what I am using for my android development platform - wondering if the screen isn’t brilliant on them

Thanks again guys and keep up the good work!!!



13 posts were split to a new topic: Slider Widget keeps resetting to 0 on Android only