Hello guys, I have a very annoying problem here. Any time when i want to change slider value in app, the slider jumps to starting point by itself, and it keeps jumping in cca 500ms intervals every time when i try to slide again. Changing value from HW works ok, and sending also(when i’m lucky enough to set something because of that jump). I’m just updating three widgets every 2 seconds, sliders are updated only 5 times/day. My HW: Uno and esp8266. Did someone experienced this problem? And found a solution?
Hello. So you send values from slider to hardware? iOS/Android? Latest app?
Yes, exactly. Android and just updated. I tried it on Android, Bluestacks and Blackberry.
Not sure, but maybe slider jumps because value from hardware comes?
I double checked it, and i’m not sending values to sliders. It doesn’t make sense either, e.g. if i am sending 125 from HW then the slider should jump to 125 and not to starting point(0) as it does now.
I can confirm, that my slider is also “affected”, and I’m not able to help him . It jumps out of my finger sometimes to the very beginning, sometimes to the end. When I catch him it runs smoothly though. It doesn’t look like hardware influencing the slider, as value in widget showing value set (it is recalculated at hw side) sticks the same! And what is even more weird, it sometimes “cures” himself and jumps on designated position.
Android, ver 2.0, but noticed that in prev. version too.
Hi guys,
I could send you some logging build to log what happens with sliders on your devices, as we have no such issues on our devices, and if you would send my generated log we’ll have some chance to fix this issue.
Also what devices are you using?
No problem with that, i’ll be glad to help. I’m primary using Galaxy A5, secondary BlackBerry Classic and bluestacks.
Please check the build by this link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/akgopsy3qr2hmhq/main_app-release-2.0.1-log.apk?dl=0
What should be done:
- Reproduce this glitch
- Make long press on the screen’s title text - it would open share screen, select there gmail/email client, it should attach to it a file with log, and send to alexkipar@gmail.com
Thanks for your help
I’m using ESP8266 (nodeMcu) in this case while the APP is on Galaxy Note 3 and 4. It seems like on 3 it happens less frequent.
No problem with that, the problem could be to catch the issue, as it is not that frequent!
And a note: I’ve almost had a heart attack minutes ago! I opened my note 3 app, where an app version was still 1.16.9, and noticed that one of my project, full of widgets just DISAPPEARED (after asking for hardware first). Right after upgrading everything came back to normal. UFF!
https://youtu.be/Eu9Hei7pAbY quick video from bluestack as i cant capture A5 screen, but that shows main problem
In your case it looks quite serious!!
I was pulling my hair out for whole day as I was trying to find a bug that cause this, but everything seems ok on my side, so i decided to start a thread about it. Anyway, i’ve just sent a log file. Oh, and i forgot: It only happens when device is online and it also glitches when i attach digital pin directly to slider (i use virtual pins standardtly).
It doesn’t happens with a virtual pin?
It glitches with digital AND with virtual pins. It glitches in both cases.
Ok, thanks for your log - i’ll analyze it and update this thread with a new build soon (tomorrow if everything would be more or less clear)
Ok, log sent… And now should I install “normal” version from PLAY? Or this one can be used safely (and without for example more battery usage?)
Better to install ‘normal’ version, as logging would minimize app’s performance, and also it contains several new features that hasn’t been fully tested.
Ok, thanks for quick responses. I’ll be more than happy to help u guys, your project is awesome!
Is that slider from the log you haved send on V1 pin?