[SOLVED] Physical and Virtual button linked together to switch a relay output

Hey Guys and Girls

I’m new here - first post woohoo. Anyways, I’ve been getting my feet wet a bit with the ESP-01 and with the Blynk app. Just exploring at this stage and what I’ve gotten up to so far is to get a DHT22 linked up to the ESP-01 and to get the data through the Blynk app and to trend it using the Blynk app.

I was inspired by This Project so I decided that I wanted to try my hand at getting an internet connected relay module also using the Blynk app. So first off, what am I doing and what am I using:

Processor: ESP-01 Module
Breadboard Power Supply Module
Relay Module - http://www.dx.com/p/5v-10a-2-channel-relay-module-w-optical-coupling-protection-expansion-board-for-arduino-black-355060#.V4hgLnUrKYR

The relay module activates the relay when a low input is given to the trigger so I had to write my code a bit in reverse.

For my push button input I followed the same wiring in the mentioned project except that I utilized a 12k resistor instead of a 1k resistor. I also initially tried to us GPIO 0 as my button input and GPIO 2 as my relay trigger output. Unfortunately I couldn’t get any response using GPIO 0 as my button input so I switched it around so that GPIO 2 is my button input and GPIO 0 is my relay trigger output. The button input works fine now.

When I use only the switch to switch the relay then it works fine. When I switch the relay to the off position and start using the virtual button on the Blynk app then everything works fine.

My problem starts when I activate the relay from the Blynk app and I switch it off using the switch. When I then want to reactivate it, then I have to switch the virtual switch from the off position to on, back to off and then when I switch it on again only then does the relay trigger and also switch on?

The same holds true but in reverse if I activate the relay from the switch and then try and deactivate it using the app.

My code as follows:

    #include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
    #include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>


    char auth[] = "AUTH Token";


    int         Output_1                  = 0;
    int         Input_1                   = 2;
    WidgetLED   Virtual_LED_1             = 1;

    int         Button_State              = 0;
    int         Prev_Button_State         = 1;

    int         Relay_State               = 0;
    int         Virtual_LED_State         = 0;
    int         Virtual_Button_State      = 0;
    int         Prev_Virtual_Button_State = 0;

    int          Time_Interval            = 500;
    int          Previous_Millis          = 0;
    unsigned int Second_Counter           = 1;


    void setup() 
      Blynk.begin(auth, "SSID", "PASS");

      while (Blynk.connect() == false)            //  Go into a while program until Blynk has connected to prevent wrongly reported switch values
        yield();                                  //  Do (almost) nothing -- yield to allow ESP8266 background functions

      pinMode(Output_1, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(Input_1, INPUT);
      digitalWrite(Input_1, HIGH);                //  Have to write this pin high before entering the void loop otherwise this pin will be grounded


    void loop() 
      Blynk.run(); // Initiates Blynk
      Button_State = digitalRead(Input_1); 

      if(Button_State == LOW && Prev_Button_State == HIGH && millis() - Previous_Millis > Time_Interval)
        if(Relay_State == 1)                      //  Check if the relay state was previously set to high
          Relay_State = 0;                        //  If so then set the relay state to low
        else                                      //  If the relay state was not previously set to high then we follow this function
          Relay_State = 1;                        //  If so then set the relay state to high    
        Previous_Millis = millis();   
        Blynk.virtualWrite(0, Relay_State);     //  Write the relay state to the virtual button to replicate the setting in the app as well.
        Prev_Virtual_Button_State = Virtual_Button_State; //  Working - sort off

      Prev_Button_State = Button_State;
        if(Virtual_Button_State == HIGH && Virtual_Button_State != Prev_Virtual_Button_State)
          Relay_State = 1;
          Prev_Virtual_Button_State = Virtual_Button_State; 
        if(Virtual_Button_State == LOW && Virtual_Button_State != Prev_Virtual_Button_State)
          Relay_State = 0;
          Prev_Virtual_Button_State = Virtual_Button_State; 
      if(Relay_State == 1) 
        digitalWrite(Output_1, LOW);      //  Relay module triggers high with a LOW input

      if(Relay_State == 0) 
        digitalWrite(Output_1, HIGH);


      Virtual_LED_State = digitalRead(Output_1); 

      if(Virtual_LED_State == LOW)



      Virtual_Button_State = param.asInt();         // Get the state of the VButton 


Blynk app setup:

Output: V0
Mode: Switch

Input: V1

I’m hoping someone will be able to provide some insight so that I don’t have to do a 3 push switch before the relay responds. Thank you in advance and wishing you a wonderful day ahead.


Hello. We have few ready examples showing how you could do that.


You can use something like below code , using Push button on dash board and Value display it’s acceptable for me :slight_smile:

find the below code regarding definitions & headings :

SimpleTimer timer;
int relayVButton1 = 0;
int relayVButton1last = 1;
int lastButtonState;

void setup()

Blynk.begin(auth, " ", " ");

timer.setInterval(10L, somefunction);

pinMode(2, OUTPUT);

lastButtonState = digitalRead (5);


relayVButton1 = param.asInt(); // Get the state of the VButton

void somefunction()

int reading = digitalRead(5);
if (reading != lastButtonState || relayVButton1 > relayVButton1last )
relayState1 = !relayState1;
digitalWrite(led1, relayState1);

if (relayState1 == HIGH)
{ Blynk.virtualWrite(5,“ON”); }
{ Blynk.virtualWrite(5,“OFF”);}

        relayVButton1last = relayVButton1;
        lastButtonState = reading;


void loop()
timer.run(); // call the simple timer routine

Physical pin 2 for LED , Physical pin 5 for toggle switch , Virtual pin 4 for push button , Virtual pin 5 for display
i make the physical button toggles the state of the output Led.

@Dirka as you are using WiFi you can’t use ButtonInterrupt.ino without significant modifications as it was written for Ethernet connections. If you simply change the libraries in the sketch from Ethernet to WiFi the ESP will reset when you press the physical button as ESP’s handle interrupts differently to Arduino’s.

You need to set a flag in the interrupt and then with SimpleTimer take action (change LED’s etc) based on the status of the flag.

Please take a look at this example: https://github.com/blynkkk/blynk-library/blob/master/examples/More/SyncPhysicalButton/SyncPhysicalButton.ino
this provides synchronisation between buttons and output

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Hey Everyone

Thank you for all of the responses. I was able to get it to work using the SyncPhysicalButton.ino example. Thanks for everyone’s input and wishing you all a wonderful day ahead.



@vshymanskyy @Dirka can i use this on esp8266-01 . if yes how can i change ethernet to esp8266 compactable?

Use our example generator: http://examples.blynk.cc/

@vshymanskyy as esp8266-01 has only 2 gpio pins should i change these pin to Gpio0 and Gpio2 or just 0 and 2 ?

// Set your LED and physical button pins here
const int ledPin = 7;
const int btnPin = 8;

0 and 2 would do

@vshymanskyy thank you so much for the help. I’m new to Blynk. how can i set a physical button status on blynk app?

A post was split to a new topic: Linking Physical Switch with Virtual Switch Widget

@havanlinh This original post is a little old. I will open up a new topic with your question. Thank you.