Hi friends. is it possible to dimming 12 volt LED with nodemcu ? which driver I need ? ULN2003 or ? is any example ?
This is not Blynk specific issue… however…
Any PWM example will work, no fancy “high voltage drivers” required ;).
All you need is to step-up the TTL signal to something else (preferably isolated to protect your MCU) capable of the 12v and do so with a fast enough frequency to keep up with the PWM pulse. A darlington may work, or a MOSFET or Optocoupler, etc.
Just Google for word combos like Arduino NodeMCU PWM 12v etc.
thanks for reply. can I changing blow schematic to dimming 12 volt DC ? blow schematic is AC dimmer
And I say so again… not really relevant for this forum. Besides some AC and DC circuits are significantly different enough, that I wouldn’t bother… just find an instructable on the internet about dimming 12v lights with Arduino.
gunner you are right but as he is blynker lets help him , below is my my RGB LED schismatic , i use STP16NF06L
MOSFET if you will use a signal color LED strip you will need only one MOSFET.
thanks for reply. is any emergency for STP16NF06L mosfet ? STP16NF06L is not available in our country !
whats your sketch used for this hardware ?
aliexpress or ebay is your friend , or search for a N channel MOSFET with Low Gate voltage (1.5 V ~ 2.5 V) which can handle the required Amps for your design
you can use tip120, irf630, etc, etc, for this.
study here:
Something like this could be useful for you:
0-24 V Mosfet IRF520 http://s.aliexpress.com/iyaYF3yi
I was helping I just didn’t have any significant circuit layout on hand to offer. The OP can search for one just as easily I could, but unfortunately tends to ask instead. But that’s the benefit of the rest of the forum users here, to offer a diversity of information to those that ask
OK the problem solved with ULN2003APG