[SOLVED] Local sever with USB connection issues

Just for anyone following along trying to set up a local server with USB connection to a raspberry pi, a quick recap on what i have done to get it running (app works when connected to local network… next mission is to gain access from outside).

Basically as per the instructions:
Install java 8
install Socat
After installing Socat i had to run chmod 777 socat if i didn’t the Blynk script wouldn’t run.
install Blynk local server/arduino libraries

After everything was installed i booted up my local server using the following (taken from DOCs):
java -jar server-0.41.0-java8.jar -dataFolder /home/pi/Blynk
next you need to run the USB script so change directory until you’re in the Bylnk script folder located in your Arduino libraries folder.
to run this use the code as per the docs:
./blynk-ser.sh -s UR_IP -p 9443 putting in the IP of your local server

Now when i ran this it would continue to exit/ not establish a connection so in ./blynk-ser.sh i had to make the following change to the following line:
SRVR_CERT="$SCRIPTPATH/certs/server.crt" replacing with SRVR_CERT="$SCRIPTPATH/certs/fullchain.crt"

so at this point everything is working while contained to my local network i will update once i have it working from out side… trying to find a work around instead of port forwarding.

also something extra for those using Blynk on EDUROAM network, this link is a quick guide to connecting to it:

also thank you again @Gunner

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