#comma separated list of administrator IPs. allow access to admin UI only for those IPs.
#you may set it for to allow access for all.
#you may use CIDR notation. For instance,
Minor miss on my part with the S, I did try with https, just didn’t write it here
I tried with CIDR addr.
No dice on making it accessible from any PC. My dhcp pool is 3-50´
Do I need all of the ones generated below or just 1? Haven’t read in depth how CIDR works
And I have still yet to figure out why localhost does not work ^^
Try the suggestion from @Jamin that should work. The notation allows all IP’s. Localhost is only from when you access the blynk server with IP (which is kind of a weird IP address).
Are you actually running the blynk server on the same machine you try to access the admin page from? Because I couldn’t make that out in your message.
No, not unless you forward ports. No one can access your local network from outside, unless you configure that on your modem, router or firewall.
And the fact that you are running the server on a different machine explains why you cannot reach it with This is ALWAYS the local address of the local machine, you cannot use this for remote access.