[SOLVED] Eventor with Digital output or Virtual output?

If I understand well, Clone is a copy of project. This copy, can work similar with original but on other device ( dev board) and need new token. I am right?

Yes. We never share your auth token.

Ok. But isue remain:

I understud it is ok to login on two mobile device in same tine. Same project, same device, same token, different OS must work? ( same user :slight_smile: )

Yes, you can login with same account, with many different phones, even across Android and iOS…

But… because there are some still missing Widgets/features in iOS (as compared to Android), you will NOT get the same functionality on iOS if your project uses those missing Widgets/features.

This is probably unavoidable until Apple makes it as quick to process App features as Android.

Yes, it is possible to log in and use a project on the several devices at the same time, but we do not support full master-master project’s synchronization, in this case, we have project’s sharing option (but it would disable project’s edit on the ‘client’ side). @Dmitriy could clarify this issue better.

OK. Thanks all for support and clarifications.

Have a nice day!

I’m intrested “how to…” Its ok for me to disable edit project on iphone, just monitoring and set on and off …, and on Android tablet (or phone) make changes

EDIT: I read this: Introduction - Blynk Documentation
First need is, “some energy”… :slight_smile: I will do this, because I need for my next project, anyway

I think “Shared access” is the way

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