Following is the case. Couple of ESP’s with Relays and PWM output managing my local lights. In my dashboard I have a single button to switch all lights on/off. This is just a V-pin button, so there is no code. The ESP’s have just a simple BLYNK_WRITE to turn on/off the relays (also V-pins).
Eventor widget:
Event: At 6.00am switch on V-pin 26
Event: At 7.00am switch off V-pin 26
Button on V-pin 26
Event: When V-pin 26 is HIGH, set V-pin 24 High (Relay 1), also set V-pin 25 High (relay 2), also set V-pin 23 to 1023 (PWM output on 2nd ESP).
Event When V-pin 26 is LOW, set V-pin 24 to 0 etc.
Now. when I add the V-pins to the timed Event everything works fine, but when I try to trigger all V-pins to turn on on V-pin 26 HIGH it doesn’t work.
I figured if I combine all my lights in 1 V-pin it makes the Events much easier to follow. E.g. when I add a new relay I only have to add it to the two Events on V-pin 26 (which has two events, all on, all off).
I don’t know why it isn’t documented clearer, but in my testing a while back I found that with Eventor, set pin to is “likened to PWM” in that it can be set to a range of 0-1024 (or whatever, depending on MCU), so setting to 1 is still LOW
Use either a high enough range to actually trigger a HIGH signal or use turn ON pin
Got ya… In that case IDK… I once tried to make a Virtual LED automatically flash ON and OFF, all in Eventor, and nothing happened… I gave up and always used code from then on…
Interesting… I was curious, so I set up a simple cascading “cause and effect” scenario with Virtual Buttons in “button” NOT “switch” mode… and it half works…
@Lichtsignaal@Gunner ha, I knew someone will try to do that . This is done by design. Otherwise, any user may setup endless recursive flow that eventually will kill the server.
@Gunner Well, 1.5 year passed since we introduced Eventor and this is the first time someone tried this feature. I think you got what I’m trying to say .
No, it is the first time someone has conclusively diagnosed how it doesn’t work I know I did try it, but moved onto coding instead. But now that it is known, perhaps someone else might want to validly use it, and as I just mentioned, you did “fix” the potential flooding issue already.
@Dmitriy way back in Oct "16 the post was made that Eventor will soon be available in IOS. Did I miss something? I still do not see it in IOS. I have latest update for the app.