[Solved] ESP8266-01 Shield issue with GPIO2 (always high)

Hello from Lviv.

I’ve got an ESP8266-01 (SDK 11 sep) and Arduino Mega 2560. I checked the ESP with serial, so it worked fine and was connecting to home net. Any way, I uploaded Blynk example for shield with HSerial.
Auth token, pass ssid. ESP connected successfuly but…

I used GP2 button on Android app and got no changes in GPO2 voltage level. I expected the led to blink but no change occured, it ramained HIGH 3.3V. Nevertheless, I noticed that blue led at ESP blinked every time I used GP2 button in app.

Any advices? Thx in advance.

I’m not familiar with ESP chips but I just want to say Hello from Lutsk :wink:. I think @vshymanskyy may help.

if you are using the ESP-01 as wifi shield you have no control over it , it’s used as slave communication through it.
so in Blynk App dashboard you should select your board as Arduino Mega , and you can blink the LED on pin 13
but you don’t have any thing to do in Pin 2 on ESP-01.

if you shared the code and Dashboard setup , it will be more clear and i can help you more.

I feel confused) Thank you for your remark. When I changed board to Arduino Mega it began to work just fine. Now I will go carefully through Blynk documentation as I should at the very beginning.