I am evaluating the Blynk platform for a product. The product consists of a plurality of duplicate devices that need to be added through the application by the end user. The devices are wifi connected. Each device has identical hardware functionality with the only difference being the MAC address.
I have just started looking at this platform but it appears that in order to build the end user application, I need to know the device. Is that correct? Is it possible to “pair” a device through the end user blynk application at runtime?
True… it was only mentioned, because of your original comment.
Yes, as I understand it, Blynk will not identify individual devices beyond their assigned Auth Token… so any device can be added to a project with the inclusion of a Server generated Auth Token into it’s sketch.
However, I have no further experience with the provisioning process so that’s all I can “inject” into this topic
Yes I understand. I was just trying to understand the other posters comment about it not being secure. I wanted clarification on what wasn’t secure - using a MAC address as you implied or the entire Blynk Inject process.