[SOLVED] Control ESP8266 over RPi web server

Hi all
It’s probably a silly issue, but i can’t find a solution.
I have a garage door opener working with ESP8266 and iOS App. So far so good.
Now i wozld like to control the same ESP8266 over a web server running on a RPi in the same WLan. How can i control it over a web page?
Thanks for your support, any help appreciated!

Hello. Here is simple instruction with explanations - https://github.com/blynkkk/blynk-server#quick-local-server-setup-on-raspberry-pi

Thanks Dmitriy

But i still think this is not the solution i’m looking for.
I would like to make the following:
i have a RPi web server running in my WLan.
On that web server i would like to have a page with a button named “GARAGE”, by clicking the button the garage will open and close.
i can do this right now with my iOS app, but i would like to do it also via web Server without the app.
I just don’t get it how to do…


Local server has HTTP API. For insstance - http://docs.blynkapi.apiary.io/#reference/0/pin-actions/write-pin-value.

So you can add simple HTML with 1 button form that will do HTTP request.

We also have ready websockets example here - https://github.com/vshymanskyy/blynk-library-js/tree/master/examples/browser you only need to provide token and IP of local server.

Sorry, web is not our focus, so you have to dig a bit by yourself.

Thanks a lot!
Sounds promising. I’ll check. It’s just a little home server automation project. No need for beauty, just has to work :slight_smile:
Cheers and happy weekend from Switzerland


Hi again

I tried the RESTful API and it works! At least sometimes.

Weirdly, it works now pretty good after having deleted and added again my push button in the iOS App. I red about that issue in another forum.
But now, the push button acts as if it was a switch button in my iOS App.
Any suggestions?

That API is exactly what i was looking for! Now i have the maximum on possibilities to integrate in a webpage or in C# applications. Just perfect!


This is how it was designed. Push button means send 1 on click and send 0 on release. So when you change button state via HTTP API and send 1 - button will become active. You need to send 0 also make it not active.

In other words - this is correct behaviour :slight_smile:.

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After rethinking… You’re right :grinning:
It’s Sunday and Mother’s day, my brain’s on holiday…
Cheers and thanks for the great support!


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Just want to share my experience and say thank you!
Made also an App for my Windows Phone which took me approximately 10 minutes to finish and all is working! The API really rocks!

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